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The Wheel of Time’s Latest Teaser Unleashes a False Dragon


The Wheel of Time puts the focus on Alvaro Morte’s character Logain, who calls himself the Dragon Reborn, in a new teaser for the upcoming series.

A new video from The Wheel of Time, the fantasy series coming to Amazon Prime Video next month, introduces the character of Logain and shows why a man who can channel inspires fear and hatred from the Aes Sedai.

The 23-second teaser was posted to the official Twitter for the series with the caption, “There is more to Logain Ablar than meets the eye…” Logain, played by Alvaro Morte, was previously seen in promotional material locked in a heavily guarded cage on a wagon, but here he cuts loose and wreaks havoc wielding the tainted male half of the One Power. A subscript on the video reads, “Logain, The Self-Proclaimed Dragon Reborn.”

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Narration over the clip explains that there have been false Dragons before, but another voice counters that Logain is the strongest she’s ever encountered. The footage of him backs up the claim, as dark strands of the One Power he channels allow him to brush away armored soldiers and, apparently, break free of his iron cage.

In the mythology of The Wheel of Time, only women are able to access the One Power without mentally snapping. When men are born with the ability, they’re hunted by the Red Ajah of the Aes Sedai and put down so they won’t harm others. However, instead of attempting to hide it, Logain flaunts his ability and uses it to attract followers, claiming to be the Dragon Reborn.

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The Wheel of Time, which is based on the bestselling fantasy novels by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, has been in development at Amazon since 2018. Set in a world in which only women can work magic by channeling the One Power, the story focuses on Moiraine, a member of the Power-wielding Aes Sedai. Moiraine is searching for the prophesied Dragon Reborn, and the quest leads her to five young villagers who will become caught up in a worldwide conflict as they each discover their own power. However, if one of them is a man who can channel, he’ll be in danger from both the world and himself.

Since the release of the first teaser trailer, new footage and key art has been coming out steadily, with the video starring Logain following one revealed earlier this week which focused on the dangers of Shadowspawn.

Season 2 of The Wheel of Time was announced in May this year, and production on it began in July. The first three episodes of Season 1 will premiere on Amazon on November 19.

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Source: Twitter

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