Brandon Sanderson, who co-wrote The Wheel of Time books with the late Robert Jordan, would have handled some aspects of the TV series differently.
Author Brandon Sanderson, who co-wrote the last three books in The Wheel of Time series after the death of original author Robert Jordan, was an executive producer on the Prime Video TV adaptation. However, not all of his ideas for how to develop the characters were used.
In a conversation on his YouTube show Intentionally Blank, Sanderson broke down some of the choices made in Season 1 of The Wheel of Time, and the revisions that he would have suggested if not for the constraints of the show and his influence on it. He specifically pointed out the paths that Perrin, Egwene and Nynaeve took in comparison to their counterparts in the books and offered hypothetical alternatives for them.
“I would have Perrin decide to follow the Way of the Leaf. By meeting with the Tinkers, so that the Tinkers have a point in the narrative,” Sanderson said, referencing the Tuatha’an traveling people that Egwene and Perrin meet on their way to Tar Valon. The Tinkers follow a completely pacifistic philosophy, refusing to do any violence even in self defense. “He picks that up and he tries to not, then, fight back, and comes to the decision that this is not for him. There’s at least an arc there.”
Sanderson went on to speculate, “You could even do it, where he decides to follow the Way of the Leaf, and then he’s being tortured by Valda and that’s the point where he snaps and says, ‘No, the Way of the Leaf is not for me.'” The author admitted that, while he liked many of the individual scenes from the season, “The scene with Valda, I just don’t get.”
Egwene and Nynaeve, the two women from the Two Rivers who have just discovered they can channel, were another focus of Sanderson’s breakdown. Both characters have their doubts about being trained in the White Tower, because of their suspicions toward the secretive and manipulative Aes Sedai. “I don’t know why they did the whole linking thing to fight off the Trollocs,” he said, referring to the battle in the season finale. “I think it would be a really easy fix to have Egwene and Nynaeve need to be there to help with the defense against these, and they’re just not trained enough.”
He walked through the theoretical scene, saying, “At the end of it they’ve helped out, but then they realize, ‘If we had been fully trained, all these people over here wouldn’t be dead. We need to go do the responsible thing, go learn to use our powers, and if there’s a hierarchy and power structure there that is messed up, well then, we fix it.”
All eight episodes of Season 1 of The Wheel of Time are now available to stream on Prime Video. Season 2 does not yet have a release date.
Source: YouTube
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