While What If…?’s zombie Captain America might be scary, the vampire Captain America almost ended one world in the Marvel Multiverse.
Marvel’s What If?… introduces plenty of new and exciting worlds from across the multiverse of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. One of the most anticipated has already been teased — a reality where the Avengers have been converted into the undead, including Captain America.
However, isn’t the only monstrous version of Steve Rogers in the Marvel Multiverse, and the reality-hopping heroes of the Exiles once encountered an even more fearsome incarnation of the character in the form of Captain America: King of the Vampires.
In 2003, Exiles #31 by Judd Winick, Jim Calafiore, Mark McKenna, Transparency Digital and Dave Sharpe introduced a world that had, at least initially, been similar to the core Marvel Universe. In this reality, Captain America and the Invaders fought against the likes of Baron Blood and a host of other villains during the days of World War II. In the present day, Baron Blood returned and became a threat once more. Captain America and Union Jack faced off with the version of the vampiric villain in Captain America #254 by Roger Stern and John Byrne. Their battle was hard-fought, and at one point Blood was able to get the drop on Captain America. But thanks to the chain mail armor that Steve Rogers used as part of his costume, he was able to survive Blood’s attack and went on to behead him with his shield.
However, on Earth-3931, his costume was damaged in the previous fight — specifically around the neck. This allowed Blood to bite Captain America and sire him into a vampire. But quickly proving to have the willpower to overcome Blood’s control, the now-twisted Captain America eventually rebelled and killed him within a year. Becoming the Vampire King of this world, Captain America quickly converted a number of other heroes to make his own vampiric Avengers — including Giant-Man, Wasp, Falcon, Hawkeye and Polaris. Together, the team became a fearsome force that threatened their entire world. It’s eventually revealed that Captain America is seeking the Macodibe Enchantment — a spell that if completed could convert millions to become the mindless zombies of the Vampire King.
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The Exiles — working with the Union Jack of this reality — discover his plan and make an attempt to stop him. In the ensuing fight, Polaris, Giant-Man and Hawkeye are killed — but not before the latter is able to bite Sunfire and infect her with the curse of vampirism. Making matters worse, by beginning the Macodibe Enchantment the vampiric Captain America is made nigh-indestructible, even walking off a beheading at the hands of Mimic. Fleeing, Captain America attempts to complete the spell in secret. By working with Union Jack, the Exiles interrupt the spell and prevent his plans, even gaining the ability to kill him. Although Union Jack — revealed to also be a vampire in this world — tries to take his place, Sunfire is able to destroy him, Wasp, and Falcon.
The vampiric Captain America may have eventually gone down, but it’s a testament to how fearsome he is that the Exiles were called in to deal with him. Their inherent power and capabilitiesies gave them an edge over the powerful vampire king. Similar to the reality where Wolverine became Lord of the Vampires, Captain America as the Vampire King is a genuine existential threat that could have resulted in a lot more death if it hadn’t been for the reality-hopping heroes.
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