According to The Suicide Squad actor Nathan Fillion, he and director James Gunn knew exactly what to do while creating Fillion’s original character for the film, TDK.
The Suicide Squad director James Gunn and TDK actor Nathan Fillion knew exactly what to do when creating Fillion’s character, who is completely new to DC.
In an interview with ComicBook.com, Fillion elaborated on what collaborating with Gunn on his character was like. “My participation in the invention of the character kind of went like this,” Fillion said, “James saying, ‘Here’s how it’s going to go.’ And me saying, ‘That sounds good.’ That’s what I call dissipation…I take a lot of credit. It’s all about the function of the character in the story. What is his function in the story? And TDK’s abilities, for me, clearly spelled out his function and I got it. I know exactly what you need. I know what you’re looking for. I know what you want. Boom. Let’s do this. I get it.”
Fillion’s character, whose full name is “The Detachable Kid,” has the ability to detach his limbs and telepathically control them. A recent clip shows the character’s abilities in action, as he reveals what TDK stands for and provides cover for his teammates to the disgust of Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman) and Savant (Michael Rooker). TDK is one of two characters created for The Suicide Squad, the other being Ratcatcher 2, who has the ability to tame and train rats, as well as control their minds.
In a previous interview, Gunn noted that he was given total freedom over the creation of The Suicide Squad from Warner Bros. “When Warner Bros. said they wanted me to do this, I watched the first movie for the first time, and I called them back and said, what do I have to keep from this movie?” Gunn said, “And they said, nothing. They said, listen, we would love it if Margot’s in the movie but she doesn’t have to be. You could come up with all new characters or you could keep all the same characters.”
Gunn’s freedom led to the inclusion of popular characters like Robbie’s Harley Quinn and Bloodsport, as well as unique or obscure characters such as Polka-Dot Man, Weasel, The Thinker and King Shark. Rounding out the cast, Gunn added his own creations with TDK and Ratcatcher 2, which aren’t based on any previously existing DC characters except for Ratcatcher 2, a technical legacy character of the DC Comics counterpart. According to Gunn, the movie is heavily inspired by the original 1989 comic series by John Ostrander as opposed to being influenced by David Ayer’s 2016 film adaptation, though Gunn’s influence and humor is prevalent throughout the film.
Fans can see Fillion’s TDK alongside Robbie, Rooker, Kinnaman, Idris Elba, Jai Courtney, Viola Davis and many other talents when the film releases on Aug. 6. Written and directed by Gunn, The Suicide Squad will release both in theaters and HBO Max.
Source: ComicBook.com
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