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The Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horror 32 Has a Mr. Sparkle Easter Egg


Treehouse of Horror XXXII features a cameo from a fan-favorite Simpsons character all the way back from Season 8.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for The Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horror XXXII, which aired Sunday on FOX.

One of The Simpsons’ most beloved traditions is its annual Treehouse of Horror Halloween episode, each of which contains several spooky anthology stories starring the citizens of Springfield. The very first Treehouse of Horror aired all the way back in Season 2, and a new one has been released every season since. 2021’s “Treehouse of Horror XXXII” keeps the tradition going and sets a new record, as it is the first installment to feature five segments instead of three.

Each Treehouse of Horror segment is non-canon to the rest of the series, which allows the show’s creators to homage countless movies and television shows. This also creates a perfect opportunity to sneak in lots of little Easter Eggs to The Simpsons‘ long and storied past, and the newest Treehouse of Horror actually sneaks in a fun reference to a memorable episode from Season 8.

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The Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horror Easter Egg

simpsons treehouse of horror parasite mr sparkle

The first segment in “Treehouse of Horror XXXII” is entitled “Bong Joon-ho’s ‘This Side of Parasite,'” and as the name suggests, it’s a parody of Bong Joon-ho’s 2019 film Parasite. The movie, which follows the poor Kim family as they sneakily infiltrate the home of the wealthy Park family, serves as a commentary on classism and wealth disparity. “Bong Joon-ho’s ‘This Side of Parasite'” features the Simpson family taking the place of the Kims, slowly ingratiating themselves into the home of movie star Rainier Wolfcastle, The Simpsons‘ parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The Easter Egg briefly appears in this section of the episode, and it can be easily missed if one is not paying close attention. Towards the beginning of the segment, a box of Mr. Sparkle dish detergent can be seen on a shelf as Bart enters a room. While the appearance of the box is very minor, it references one of The Simpsons‘ most beloved minor characters, who first appeared in Season 8 of the series in 1997.

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Who Is Mr. Sparkle in The Simpsons?

In The Simpsons’ Season 8 episode “In Marge We Trust,” Homer, Bart and Lisa discover a box of Mr. Sparkle detergent and are shocked to discover that the mascot bears an eerie resemblance to Homer. Homer contacts Mr. Sparkle headquarters in Japan and is sent a promotional VHS. Upon viewing it, the Simpsons discover that the Mr. Sparkle mascot was actually created by combining a lightbulb and a fish, and the resemblance to Homer is just a coincidence.

Although this episode is the only major appearance of the Mr. Sparkle mascot, he has proven to be a fan favorite and thus has continued to appear in small cameos throughout the show’s run. A box of Mr. Sparkle detergent even appears in the updated version of the series’ opening sequence. The Simpsons‘ creators clearly think highly of the character too, as proven by his short but entertaining appearance in “Bong Joon-ho’s ‘This Side of Parasite.'”

The Simpsons’ “Treehouse of Horror XXXII” is now streaming as part of Season 33 on Disney+.

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