Sliders was a science fiction and fantasy television series created by Robert K. Weiss and Tracy Tormé that aired for five seasons between 1995 and 2000. For it’s first three seasons, the show aired on FOX, with the final two seasons moving to the Sci-Fi Channel. The series followed a group of travelers as they used a wormhole to “slide” between different parallel universes. Scribes Robert Weiss and Tracy Tormé pushed the boundaries of the show by creating different Earthlike dimensions.
Sliders had a thought-provoking premise that deserves another look. The series followed a group of friends who “slide” to parallel versions of Earth after, in the pilot episode, Jerry O’Connell’s Quinn Mallory opened up a vortex that sucked him and his friends into an alternate Earth. In his haste to get out, Quinn busted his device. The central characters then spent five seasons Earth-hopping, desperate to return to their home reality. Time travel and the multiverse never get old, and a reboot of this show could capitalize on the popularity of the genre.
While the original Sliders often investigated socio-political themes like fascism and racism in innovative ways, these topics could potentially be explored with even more deftness in a reboot. An episodic formula with the cast visiting a new Earth every week could also evoke a feeling of nostalgia for many science-fiction fans. Thankfully, co-creator Tormé recently confirmed a reboot is happening and assured long-time fans that the revival would definitely NOT be “woke’.
On the latest episode of the Youtube series Masters of the Genre, Tracy Tormé along with Marc Scott Zicree discussed the hit television Sliders together for the first time anywhere. This discussion is very special since it’s the first time these two creators have ever appeared together. Tracy Tormé an original creator of the series (along with Robert K. Weiss), later leaving the project following its second season. And Marc Scott Zicree was a writer and producer on the show during its final two years. So these two creators have never spoken to one another. But rather than there being any “bad blood,” or awkwardness of any kind, it’s clear in this discussion that they both respect and admire each other, and are fans of each other’s work.
This episode of Masters of the Genre is hosted by Gil James Bavel (aka Cardinal Sin) and contains a robust discussion of Sliders, it’s pending revival project, and is co-hosted by PJ of Orville Nation-who’s just completed an entire Sliders series re-watch. This conversation covers a LOT of details about the return of Sliders with the original cast, and takes fan questions for the pair throughout the second hour; including favorite episodes, the future of the show, and some very enlightening discussion in a round-robin format.
Tormé sounds very keen about bringing back Sliders. Over the last few months, he’s already taken two meetings with Universal, who do not seem to be completely uninterested, a good sign. But while it seems like the project is on hold for now, we shouldn’t be discouraged! Because there will be more meetings. Tracy Tormé assures fans, that “when the dust settles we’ll certainly see Sliders again.”
If you’re a fan of Sliders, or genre fiction in general, you won’t want to miss this discussion.