Image Comics
As predicted the remaining 3 issues of the current arc will have reprint covers and when all 6 are put together will be one large cover:
Fans of Robert Kirkman‘s THE WALKING DEAD will get more of the unfolding image that spreads across the covers of the six issue of the “Something to Fear” story arc, as issues #100 and #101 get new printings with new covers by Charlie Adlard.
The second printing of THE WALKING DEAD #101 (JUL128121), which follows the survivors’ reactions to the shocking events of the landmark hundredth issue of the series, is available to order now, as the first printing of the issue has sold out. The second printing will be in stores on September 12.
A third printing of THE WALKING DEAD #100 is being prepared to go to press as remaining copies second printing quickly sell through.
by dough boy Aug 22, ’12