Comics Reviews

The Punisher: Time for Marvel to Let Go Of The Classic Logo


The Punisher’s controversial skull logo represents the far right. It’s leaving in a series this year. Here’s why the symbol should be gone for good.

The Punisher comic recently came under fire for introducing a new logo in the forthcoming 13-issue Punisher series. Many have shouted dissent, as the logo has gone mostly unchanged for almost 50 years. However, the motivations behind the rebrand are likely more than a storyline or newsworthiness.

The appropriation of the Punisher skull by alt-right members has given it connotations that neither the character nor his creators condone. It is now often used to represent racist and bigoted points of view. In other cases, it suggests that the people who are supposed to serve and protect us are pursuing a far more violent mission than they should. For this reason, the Punisher logo will probably always carry the taint of association. With that in mind, perhaps it should never return.

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The first Punisher skull made its premiere in 1974’s Amazing Spider-Man #129 by the creative team of Gerry Conway and Ross Andru. The earliest version of the famous skull symbol emblazoned his shirt. While instantly recognizable, with time, the logo would become further streamlined. Its original meaning was that of a deeply flawed person intent on seeking justice by killing the unjust. The intention was not to inspire and certainly not to suggest white supremacy. Many, including pivotal writers of the Punisher series, believe it can shake those later associations.

Unfortunately, this is not easily reclaimed symbolism. Reclamation happens as a cultural movement, not as a single literary character’s campaign. However, the new Punisher symbol allows Frank Castle to evolve beyond the ideology that his previous logo has come to represent. Now, the Punisher can be a symbol of conflict and pain. He can symbolize doing the right thing the wrong way, rather than simply being a comic book icon co-opted by the far right. The new skull still hews close enough to the original design to be recognizable as a Punisher skull. Many superheroes have evolved their looks with the times. Frank Castle must do the same, and changing the skull is imperative to that.

Still, some traditionalists argue otherwise. These claims, however, show ignorance of the world of comic books. Batman, for example, wears a far darker icon than in his initial runs. The Dark Knight’s logo has evolved and changed several times. Even now, a new artist may interpret the bat on the hero’s chest in a way that suggests the house style while being distinctive. Likewise, Superman’s crest has changed based upon the evolving abilities of printers to reproduce art complexity. Therefore, those decrying the Punisher’s symbol change ignore that comics have long tweaked, reinterpreted, and changed even the most iconic symbols.

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If the political wasn’t enough, there are economic upsides as well. As it stands, widespread infringement of the Punisher skull suggests that Marvel isn’t profiting from its use in many cases. By finally taking the initiative to change their antihero, they can reclaim their ownership of the symbol. With that reclamation comes more a firmer ground to limit future attempts to profit without permission.

Since the Punisher logo is strongly associated with the alt-right, the classic Punisher skull is overdue for retirement. Marvel has every reason to abandon the classic Punisher skull for story, legal, and cultural reasons. More importantly, for these reasons, Marvel has reasons aplenty to never return to it again.

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