Inigo Montoya actor Mandy Patinkin had an emotional confirmation about his acting motivation in his iconic final swordfight in The Princess Bride.
A video shared by The Princess Bride star Mandy Patinkin went viral on social media on Tuesday night with his emotional confirmation about his acting motivation in his iconic swordfight in the film where his character, Inigo Montoya, kills the six-fingered man who had years earlier murdered Montoya’s father when Inigo was just a boy.
A user on TikTok posted a video where she discussed how she and her father always loved watching The Princess Bride together. She lost her father to cancer in March and she was wondering about a story she had heard that Mandy Patinkin’s father had also died from cancer and that he had his father in mind when Inigo Montoya asked the villainous Count Rubin to give him anything he wants and after Rubin anxiously agrees, Montoya retorts, “I want my father back, you son of a bitch” before he then kills the villain, avenging his father.
Patinkin’ son shared a video he recorded of the actor watching the initial TikTok and then giving a response to the fan (along with his longtime wife, actor and writer Kathryn Grody).
To Alaska (aka Amanda – we figured it out!) Thread – Thank you for sharing this with us. My dad died of cancer when I was 18. Kathryn’s parents died within a year of each other when she was 25, her dad of a heart attack while her mom was sick with cancer…. pic.twitter.com/xbjC7pVI3p
— Mandy Patinkin (@PatinkinMandy) August 25, 2021
After an amusing bit where Patinkin couldn’t figure out how to address the TikTok user (they later learned her name was Amanda, but all they originally had to go on was her username, AlaskaWay, so Patinkin called her “Alaska”), he recorded a response to the woman. Their son, Gideon, and both of his parents were already weeping from the initial video as Patinkin first noted that “your dad is taking care of you.”
He then confirmed that the story was “100% true.” He mentioned going outside before they shot the scene and walking around the exterior of the castle, talking to his father, who he had lost to cancer when he was just 18. He told his father that he was “going to get this guy for you.” He then noted that as soon as he read the script, he told his wife that he was going to take the role in part so that when he kills the six-fingered man, it will make him feel as though he killed the cancer that took his father from him.
Patinkin’s voice then cracked from emotion as he spoke about how hard it was as he prepared to film the final scene, explaining, “I then went and played the scene with Chris [Christopher Guest, who played Count Rubin] and I went out and talked to my dad.” He recommended that the TikTok user take the time to talk to her dad whenever she can and he then asked her, if she could get into contact with him, to let him know the name of her father so that he could include her dad in his daily prayers.
Grody also took the time to promote The Dinner Party, a group co-founded by their daughter-in-law for young people who have lost loved ones to connect with our young people in similar situations.
Source: Twitter
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