Comics Reviews

The Power Rangers Are Going to War with Their Most Powerful Allies


The Power Rangers greatest allies have finally arrived and they just so happen to be the heroes’ next worst enemies.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Mighty Morphin #11, available now from Boom! Studios.

Until now, it didn’t seem like things could get worse for the Power Rangers. The Omega’s had betrayed their Mighty Morphin compatriots on Earth in the hopes of staving off the Empyreal invasion, only to see their each and every attempt for naught. Even the heroes back home haven’t been doing much better after losing their latest ally to the clutches of Lord Zedd. Thankfully, Zelya wasn’t the only Guardian of Eltar, and the rest are about to arrive. Unfortunately, they are nothing more than the next in a long line of villains for the Power Rangers to go to war with.

With Zelya, the Bronze Gaurdian, trapped within the walls of Bandora Palace on the moon, the Rangers are anxious to rescue their ally. Zartus, Zordon’s old partner and the current Supreme Guardian has already stepped up to offer a hand, and has even lent Eltar’s own Sentry Force Four to the task at hand. Of course, things are far from what they seem, and while Zartus and his Sentries discuss the situation on Earth, Zelya is being released from Zedd’s grasp without any incident. Though she arrives on board Zartus’ ship with news that she had escaped, her so called allies know that she is lying. Not only that, but Zelya is also aware of Zartus’ and the Sentries’ true intentions for Earth, and she isn’t the only one.

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Zelya’s battle with Zartus in the pages of Mighty Morphin #11, by Ryan Parrot, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sara Antonellini, Katia Ranalli and Ed Dukeshire is a tense one to say the least. The Supreme Gaurdian claims that everything he has done is in the service of Eltar, but Zelya sees through that pretense to the tyrant hiding behind it. Surprisingly, the Bronze Guardian is capable enough to hold her own against the decorated warrior thousands of years her senior. When the Sentry Force Four enters the fray, however, Zelya is unable to continue doing so, and with that her rebellion is quelled.

Not long after Zartus contacts Zordon back on Earth to update him on the situation, or rather to tell him what Zartus thinks his old friend wants to hear. Of course, Zordon is well aware that Zelya didn’t just walk out of Lord Zedd’s stronghold, and it even looks like he has been aware of the threat posed by Eltar for some time. Whether this is thanks to his association with the Phantom Ranger or through some other means is yet to be seen, but what is made perfectly clear is the fact that the Power Rangers are about to go to war with the same world that their mentor once called home.

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Readers have already been given several glimpses into the sprawling conspiracy at the heart of this thousands of years old conflict. Even if the details of it haven’t quite come into focus just yet, the Rangers now being aware of it changes the landscape of the battles they are fighting entirely.

It also calls into question just what all Zordon actually knows as of now regarding the Guardians, Empyreals, Dark Specter, and even the Emissaries themselves. He hasn’t always been good about not keeping secrets, but if there has ever been a time for him to open up to the rest of the team, it is undoubtedly now. Especially with how powerful the Guardians have already been shown to be, there is no question that the heroes will need every edge they can possibly get.

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