In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #119, the Turtles suffer their first casualty as a result of the latest war against the Mutanimals in Mutant Town.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #119 by Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Sophie Campbell, Nelson Daniel, Ronda Pattison, Bobby Curnow, and Shawn Lee, on sale now.
The most important night in Mutant Town’s history has finally arrived in the form of Sally Pride’s big political rally, and human reporter Lola Cruz wouldn’t miss it for the world. Unfortunately, the rally is also a major target for those who would rather see the Turtles’ home crumble. With tensions high and nefarious forces at work, Lola is in way over her head without a clue of how bad things are about to get. Even worse, she has just become the first casualty in Mutant Town’s latest war.
Ever since hearing Michelangelo and Sally Pride play up the night’s rally on the radio thanks to Oroku Saki’s helpful manipulations, Lola Cruz has had a renewed vigor to continue her investigative coverage of the goings-on in Mutant Town. The last time she visited she was given the cold shoulder after displaying little empathy for the young mutant she was trying to interview, leaving her questioning whether she should follow the story or not. Now that big things are happening that the world needs to see, she has returned to carry out her work. Before she can get very far Lola comes across little Lita and the Weasels who have decided to take their ninja training to the streets. Unfortunately, they aren’t the only mutants that she runs into, and the next few are far less friendly.
Lola is set upon by two mutants who aren’t too happy to see a human walking their streets. Fortunately, Lola is saved by the quartet of fast and furious knee-high ninjas. Lita and the Weasels are able to fend off two unarmed assailants, but when armed Mutanimal cronies show up the fight takes a dark turn.
Before Lita and the Weasels can fight back, the little ninjas are bagged up by Hob’s henchmen, who attempted to capture them previously. Making off with the pint-sized terrors is certainly a win for the villains, and they shoot Lola Cruz to underscore their message.
Mutant Town’s reputation to the outside world is already shaky at best, and there is no doubt that the shooting of Lola Cruz will only make it worse. With the Turtles on guard duty at the rally where almost every citizen is in attendance, she might not even be able to get the help that she needs before it is too late.
The Mutanimals clearly aren’t going to be the ones to offer any assistance, and unless one of the mutants who attacked her decides to do so, she is entirely on her own as she bleeds out onto the pavement. Hopefully, this isn’t the end for Lola Cruz, because it could very well be the end of Mutant Town if it is.
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