The Legend of Heroes series has had a big Crossbell-shaped gap in the West for ages. Last year, we finally got confirmation that we would be receiving both games in the fan-titled Crossbell duology, along with two other entries in this gargantuan series. Now, we know exactly when we’ll be able to join the Special Support Service.
Fresh off of revealing its new logo yesterday, NIS America has announced that The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero — the first game in the Crossbell duology and the fourth game in the Trails/Kiseki series — will launch on 27th September in North America and 30th September in Europe. That feels a lot closer than just saying Fall 2022, doesn’t it?
The story trailer (above) gives us a glimpse of four of the main characters of the game, who make up the Special Support Service: Lloyd Bannings, a rookie detective who has returned to Crossbell after living abroad for three years; Elie MacDowell, the granddaughter of the mayor of Crossbell; Randy Orlando, a gambling womanizer who used to be a member of the Crossbell Guardian Force; and Tio Plato, who works for the famous Epstein Foundation, a technological institute. We also get a sense of what shadowy dealings may well be happening in the landlocked, self-governing, demilitarised state of Crossbell.

What’s most interesting about Trails from Zero is that it partially takes place around the same time as The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel. Long-time fans are bound to recognise names and places in the game — especially if they’ve played the currently PC and Sony-exclusive Trails in the Sky games.
We don’t quite have an exact date for the sequel, The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure, but we know that’s following sometime in 2023, which means all the gaps will be filled before Trails into Reverie, the tenth game, launches late next year.
Let us know whether you’re excited to visit Crossbell for the first time or if you’re interested in jumping into the Trails series!
Further Reading: