
The wait for the uber funky Jet Set Radio-inspired vibes-fest that is Bomb Rush Cyberfunk has felt like a particularly long one. We first heard of the game back in 2020, but with its recent pushback into 2023, we settled into the thought that there might be more delays to come. However, hope may be on the horizon.
In a tweet sent out by @saint_whynne – later retweeted (the closest we’ll come to an official endorsement these days) by the game’s developers, Team Reptile – it looks like the team is on the hunt for voice actors to play that funky music and get in on the groovy vibes.
The official Team Reptile Twitter account (@ReptileGames) has been keeping us fully updated with short clips of gameplay mechanics and movement progression ever since the delay, but this call for VAs shines a hopeful light over the project.
Whether the movement to the voice acting stage of the development suggests that the end is in sight for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, we can’t be sure. What we can be sure of is that said development is certainly moving along at a fair lick which is always a good sign. What’s more, the call is giving plenty of people the chance to get involved with a game about which we have been eagerly enwrapped in anticipation for a good while now – if you’ve got the pipes, why not give it a shot?
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is currently listed to groove onto Switch in 2023. Here’s hoping that the development is strong enough to make this sooner rather than later.