There aren’t many things that can bring the Jedi and Sith together, but an eldritch horror in Star Wars Legends was one of the few that could.
In Star Wars, there is one single constant: the Sith hate the Jedi and vice versa. In practically every story, be it canon or Legends, the Jedi and Sith always come into conflict, many times with catastrophic results for all involved. It’s no exaggeration to say that their enmity is responsible for practically every major conflict in the galaxy’s history.
So, it says a lot about the Force entity Abeloth that the Sith were willing to team up with the Jedi in order to bring her down in Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi. The book series was introduced near the end of Legends’ run and focused on Luke Skywalker’s journey to take down the Force entity Abeloth, who began rampaging through the galaxy in her attempts to bring chaos to the cosmos and become a true God of the Force. Her powers enabled her to do many things that had previously never been seen before, such as inducing psychosis in several Jedi to make them believe that everyone they knew were actually imposters. She also had the ability to feed on the despair and fear of all life, which is why she went out of her way to cause as much destruction and conflict as possible. This, combined with her ability to inhabit more than one body at a time, made killing her permanently a nigh-impossible task.
As it progresses, the series reveals more about Abeloth’s backstory, which ties into the Ones from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She was the Mother of the family that consisted of the Father, the Son and the Daughter, though her origin is a bit more complicated. Initially, she was merely a mortal servant, who managed to ingratiate herself into their family. But as she grew older and her family didn’t, she sought to become more powerful, and used a pair of Force Nexuses that empowered the Son and the Daughter to empower herself, growing insane and evil as a result.
The Mother then became Abeloth and was sealed away on a planet in the Maw, while the Father, Son and Daughter eventually fled to Mortis. But over time, Abeloth became part of a vicious cycle in the galaxy, breaking free to cause chaos and destruction and prompting the Son and Daughter to join forces and seal her away once more. Of course, that became complicated when all the Ones died during the Clone Wars.
In the time period of Fate of the Jedi, Abeloth started to break free, first hinting at her existence by driving a number of Jedi insane. These Jedi had once been near her in the Maw during the Yuuzhan Vong war, which was how Luke and his son, Ben, started to track her down. During this time, the Lost Tribe of the Sith also began to emerge into the wider galaxy, and having sensed Luke’s presence, sent a strike team to hunt him down in the process. It was through these series of events that the Sith also became aware of Abeloth and offered to help take her down, claiming that she was also driving the Sith’s own apprentices mad.
This was a lie perpetuated by the Lost Tribe, as their real plan was to find a way to study and control Abeloth. Unfortunately for them, it soon became clear that the Lost Tribe of the Sith were in way over their heads, as Abeloth revealed herself to be far more powerful than any Sith or Jedi before. She singlehandedly destroyed the capital city of the Lost Tribe and eventually subverted much of the Tribe to be her minions, either through brainwashing or intimidation.
Of course, the Lost Tribe were not the only Sith out there, as Darth Krayt, the leader of the One Sith from the Star Wars: Legacy comics, also became aware of Abeloth’s existence. Unlike the Lost Tribe, Krayt understood just how dangerous of a threat she was. Risking the complete exposure of himself and his entire One Sith order, Krayt aided Luke and the Jedi in ensuring that Abeloth was no longer a direct threat, which was accomplished by three of her separate bodies being killed at the same time by different groups.
While they had succeeded in vanquishing her, even this was not enough to kill Abeloth permanently, with Luke musing that the Jedi and Sith might have to take on the roles left behind by the Son and Daughter. The entire Fate of the Jedi series showed just how dangerous Abeloth was when even the Sith were willing to put their animosity with the Jedi aside to beat her.
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