by: @DemonofEmpireYT
Remasters of older games have gained a lot of traction in recent years. From Spyro Reignited to Crash Bandicoot: The N’Sane Trilogy, Remasters have allowed older gamers to re-experience their childhood franchises as well as introduce a new generation of gamers to those same franchises. Of course not all Remasters have been successful. Assassin’s Creed 3 had graphical bugs as well as the GTA 3 Trilogy. So what is the Gold Standard for Gaming Remasters? To find the answer, one need only look at Mass Effect Legendary Edition.
As far as Remasters go, Mass Effect Legendary Edition was one of the very best. It gives the player everything they could possibly want out of a remastered trilogy and so much more. Improved Graphics across 3 games, etc. In addition, the Bioware team took it upon themselves to update the gameplay of the First Mass Effect to put it more in sync with Mass Effect 2 and 3. This included some minor adjustments to the control scheme and the in-game hud.
Where Ubisoft’s efforts to update Assassin’s Creed 3’s Gameplay in a similar fashion resulted in reduced focus on graphical bug fixing, Bioware managed to cover all their bases. Not only did they manage to patch out most new graphical bugs, but they also fixed many of the old bugs that plagued the original Mass Effect games. While a couple of bugs still persist here and there, Mass Effect Legendary Edition is in a very playable state.
The Assassin’s Creed Ezio Collection was received very well for including all three games in Ezio’s Story in addition to the DLC. All for a mere $60 at launch. The Mass Effect Legendary Edition did very much the same thing. The big difference of course is the sheer quantity of DLC that went along with the Mass Effect Remastered Trilogy. That’s Over 40 DLCs, Plus the 3 Mainline Games, all for $60 at launch. And if you think that’s cheap, consider how expensive it was to purchase all the DLCs for the Original Mass Effect Trilogy on PC. Compared to that, Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a Steal.