The Flash’s upcoming team-up with Kid Flash (Wallace West) reveals the most brutal application of the Speed Force to date — a supersonic noogie.
Wally West’s upcoming team-up with Wallace West in The Flash reveals one of the most creative and dangerous applications of Speed Force powers to date.
In April, the West cousins collide in the pages of The Flash #781 written by Jeremy Adams. The issue’s variant cover by Nikola Čižmešija playfully commemorates the occasion, as Wally runs his knuckles across Wallace’s skull and uses the Speed Force to create a supersonic noogie. Though the ludicrous act elicits laughter from Wallace, the heroes’ impending team-up won’t be all fun and games. The issue’s solicitation teases the fallout of “The Eclipso War” and the emergence of a mysterious new villain with plans to take down the Scarlet Speedster, only to be met by two instead.
- Written by JEREMY ADAMS
- Variant cover by NIKOLA ČIŽMEŠIJA
- $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock)
- ON SALE 4/19/22
- The Eclipso War left Wally West stopped dead in his tracks…but a brand-new villain has emerged to wreak havoc on the Scarlet Speedster! An exciting new story arc begins here!
Wallace West first appeared during DC’s New 52 era as the nephew of Iris West, Barry Allen’s longtime love interest. Though he didn’t know it at the time, Wallace is also the son of another Flash villain — the Reverse-Flash (Daniel West) — and as a result, began exhibiting a unique connection to the Speed Force at a young age. Later on, after being struck by lightning, Wallace’s powers stabilized and he joined Barry’s super heroics as Kid Flash.
At around the same time, Wally West returned to the DC Universe with the help of Barry in DC Universe: Rebirth #1. Though Wallace eventually met Wally in The Flash #9, they were having their own adventures with the Teen Titans and Titans, respectively, and the two have not been seen alongside one another as much in comics. However, that seems to be changing soon, being that the two finally team up as Flash and Kid Flash proper in the upcoming issue.
Wallace’s return to Wally’s life comes hot on the heels of the Flash’s adventures with the Justice League Dark. In recent issues of The Flash, the magical mischief of Eclipso has forced Wally out of his element as he races to defend Gemworld. Luckily, Wally’s scientific knowledge helped him uncover Eclipso’s plan, but despite his quick thinking, the members of Justice League Dark succumbed to Eclipso’s magic and were turned to the dark side. Now, Wally and the villain Dark Opal stand against the JLD as their only hope of escaping in one piece.
Outside of his ongoing series and his eventual meet-up with Wallace, the Flash has plans to visit Blüdhaven for a reunion with his old pal, Nightwing. When the mob puts out a contract on Dick Grayson, the hero will need his friends in the Teen Titans to serve as his bodyguards. This storyline, which is currently underway, will drain Dick and Wally of their energy reserves, requiring them to take a day off to recharge their batteries in subsequent issues. Consequently, the storyline gives fans a rare opportunity to see two of DC’s classic “sidekicks” kick back in their civilian lives.
Source: DC Comics
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