The latest issue of Star Wars Adventures revealed that Rogue One’s Scarif was the ideal location for soldiers of the Empire to be stationed.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers from the story “The Short Goodbye” in Star Wars Adventures #5 by Casey Gilly, Butch Mapa, Charlie Kirchoff, and Johanna Nattalie, on sale now.
The biomes and environments of the various planets are some of the most fascinating aspects of the Star Wars universe. Outside of the Prequel Trilogy, the major movie installments largely centered on desert, snow, and jungle terrains. While the Prequels gave more range by including cityscape planets like Coruscant and the aquatic planet Kamino, it was not until Rogue One that a tropical island-like location was shown on the big screen. Scarif played a vital role in the Rebellion’s overthrow of the Empire. Star Wars Adventures #5 gave a glimpse of what everyday life was like for Imperials stationed on the planet before the events of Rogue One.
Captain A’Shar Farless had recently been promoted to Captain and was requested to be stationed on Scarif by Governor Tarkin. Farless had made a name for himself while still in the Academy. After Farless learned of a ploy against the younger cadets, he effectively led his squad to create a distraction so the cadets could escape from angry villagers. Farless’ ability to inspire his squadron led Tarkin to assign him to Scarif.
Scarif’s picturesque scenery made it an ideal location for Imperials to serve. Many even considered it early retirement. Beauty aside, Scarif served as an extremely valuable planet for the Empire. Scarif’s planetary mantle held precious metals used in starship construction. The planet was also located deep within the Outer Rim which the Empire felt was a perfect location for their security complex. Here they built and designed superweapons and advanced military technology. While many troopers were happy with their location, the work itself was stressful.
Tarkin and the executives of the Empire were aware of the Rebel spies’ efforts at obtaining information detrimental to the Death Star’s construction. Tarkin also made Farless aware that he was willing to protect the information kept on Scarif at any cost. Farless had been brought in to keep the troops in line but if he failed and information fell to the wrong hands, Tarkin would not hesitate to destroy the complex.
It’s no surprise that life as an Imperial was stressful, even for those that were not forced into service. Farless enlisted by his own free will and his family entrusted him with a protocol-trained sentry droid. The droid accompanied Farless through his time in the academy and was expected to join his team on Scarif. Tarkin had other plans. As Farless gave his inaugural speech to his new squad, Tarkin left the planet’s surface with the sentry droid in tow.
While Scarif was originally seen as the go-to destination for soldiers of the Empire, it turned into a battleground in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. After Jyn Erso learned that the Empire was keeping Death Star plans in the main security complex on Scarif, the Rebellion launched an attack to retrieve the information. The Rebels were able to successfully steal the plans and transmitted them to Princess Leia. This gave Tarkin the opportunity to demonstrate how far he was willing to go to keep Imperial secrets. He ordered the Death Star to fire at the planet below. Though he was unable to stop the transmission of plans, his attack destroyed the complex and everyone in its general vicinity.
Scarif was an ideal location for troopers to serve, but it still fell under the Empire’s umbrella and would prove to be dangerous. Due to the high level of information and technology that was developed on Scarif, it was constantly a target for spies of the Rebellion. It didn’t take long for the Rebels to act when they got reliable information. This ended up turning the Empire’s favorite base into little more than a pile of rubble.
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