The Dragon Prince is a fantasy show that embraces the classic tropes of the genre with the races of dragons and elves and inevitable conflicts with humanity. With warring nations and conflicting views on the use of magic, the show gives plenty of opportunities for its characters to show off their strength.
There are examples from humans, elves, and dragons of characters that go above and beyond to fight for what they believe in, with many showing off their power in different ways. While Callum is constantly improving as he grasps the Sky Arcanum, there are still simply too many other characters that are much stronger and capable in battle than he is.
10 Rayla Will Fight To The End For What She Believes In
Rayla is the bodyguard of the group, ensuring the Dragon Prince’s safe return to his mother in Xadia. She may be considered an outcast among her own people, but this is due to her choices rather than her skills in battle.
While Callum learns how to truly master the Sky Arcanum, security, and dealing with threats falls upon Rayla, with her managing to keep Runaan, Corvus, and even Viren’s children at bay. Although she can be impulsive, as Callum says “she is a hero,” she will always drop everything to help someone, even if she doesn’t completely know that she can do it. With her speed and use of two blades, she is a formidable foe for anyone to face.
9 Runaan Was The One To Tell Rayla She Wasn’t Good Enough
While Rayla is a strong Moonshadow Elf who proves to be a huge friend and asset in helping Callum and Ezran escort Zym to Xadia, she is initially shown to be in the shadow of her leader and mentor-of-sorts, Runaan. Runaan is fond of Rayla but sees her compassion and hesitation as a weakness for their assassination mission.
Rayla and Runaan subsequently square off later when they run into one another in Katolis, with them at the height of their powers under the full moon. Rayla is able to hold Runaan off but it is ultimately a distraction rather than a serious all-out fight. After carrying out the mission to assassinate King Harrow, Runaan is captured by Viren and trapped inside a coin.
8 General Amaya Is One Talented Aunt
Amaya is the deaf younger sister of the late Queen Sarai, and is the general of the forces protecting mankind from the wrath of the elves. General Amaya fears very little unless it threatens her family and is capable of backing it up on the battlefield.
While she initially appears outmatched in her flurries with the Sunfire Elf Janai, she finds a way to survive and outsmart her opponent, making correct decisions that will help her in the long run, such as rescuing Janai even though they are enemies. Despite her strength and presence on the battlefield, she is easily swept aside by the enhanced Prince Kasef, which reinforces the fact that the Sunfire power is too much for some humans to handle head-on.
7 Pyrrah Unleashed Fire On A Town & Almost Killed Soren
Pyrrah is another prominent dragon to feature in The Dragon Prince, but unlike Sol Regem and Avizandum, she is unable to speak, apart from through Ezran. She is a Fire Dragon and she demonstrates her powers by raining fire on a town after Soren provokes her.
It takes a dose of dark magic from Claudia to bring her down, but even when she looks to be on the brink of death, she manages to rally and attack Soren, leaving him paralyzed and seriously close to dying. Remembering the fact that Rayla, Callum, and Ezran saved her, she later joins the efforts to protect the Dragon Prince, with her transporting King Ezran around.
6 Soren May Have The Sword Skills But Claudia’s Power Is Consistently Terrifying
Claudia and Soren may both be Viren’s children, but they are vastly different. While Soren has chosen the way of the soldier and king’s guard, Claudia follows in her father’s footsteps with excessive use of dark magic. Soren may be capable of holding his own in a sword fight or against a known enemy, but Claudia can turn the tide of a battle in an instant.
Not only does she take down a dragon using an enchanted arrow, but in “The Final Battle,” she uses Noctu Igne to simply explode on the squadron of elves holding the line, allowing them a chance to break through. With Aaravos advising Viren that they can make use of Claudia, her power is bound to only get stronger in the future.
5 Janai Is A Formidable Sunfire Elf
Janai is a Sunfire Elf, known as the Golden Knight Of Lux Aurea. When near a source of fire, her powers are at their highest, and with her formidable Sunforge sword she can cut through normal swords, shields, and armor with minimal fuss or effort.
She has the powerful General Amaya on the backfoot during their initial encounters, and after befriending Amaya and losing her home of Lux Aurea, becomes a valuable asset for King Ezran in fighting back against Viren and his forces. The power stolen from her home even makes Viren’s army more powerful, as shown by Prince Kasef, who becomes an unstoppable beast due to the enhancement.
4 The Great Sol Regem May Be Blind But Is Still As Deadly As Ever
Sol Regem is introduced as another Archdragon and the first Dragon King. His immense stature and connection to the sun once demanded and commanded respect, with him even becoming revered by the Sunfire Elves, inspiring their weapon designs and architecture.
Callum, Rayla, and Zym cross him on their journey through Xadia to return the Dragon Prince home, but he is now angry and blind, with a particular distaste for humans and dark magic since being blinded by a mage named Ziard. Despite his lack of sight, Callum and Rayla still struggle to get past him due to his speed, power, and fiery breath, and only do so with quick thinking on Callum’s part.
3 Viren Was Dangerous Even Before His Alliance With Aaravos
Viren starts The Dragon Prince as the loyal advisor and high mage for King Harrow but quickly begins to show his true colors. Flashbacks show how he used dark magic to help Harrow kill the legendary Dragon King. Viren also added insult to injury by stealing the Dragon Prince’s egg while spreading word of its “destruction.”
Upon extensive studying of a magic mirror that he steals from the Dragon King’s lair, he eventually meets Aaravos, a mysterious elf seemingly trapped within the mirror. Slowly but surely, Aaravos forms a certain hold on Viren, finding a way to tell him everything he wants to hear while obviously furthering his own secret motives. Viren may not be entirely himself due to Aaravos’ interference, but regardless he is still a force to be reckoned with.
2 Aaravos Is The Master Manipulator & Mysterious Main Antagonist
Knowing little else about the mysterious Aaravos’s origins or true motives other than his imprisonment by the Archdragons makes Aaravos the most feared character in The Dragon Prince. Despite his manipulation of Viren being obvious for the audience and even Viren himself to see, Viren chooses to stick with it to see his own dreams of protecting humanity and gaining true power come true.
Through the caterpillar-like familiar he owns, he is able to converse with Viren, but it is also later revealed to be able to possess a body upon biting them, as shown in their infiltration of Lux Aurea. There is a certain level of inevitability about Aaravos becoming the main villain of The Dragon Prince, especially when his true origins and motives are revealed.
1 Avizandum Was The Great Dragon King
While the Dragon King Avizandum is indeed dead in the present day events of The Dragon Prince, flashbacks show his commanding presence and sheer power. He is responsible for killing Duren Queens Annika and Neha, as well as Harrow’s wife Sarai, who puts herself into danger saving Viren.
Also known as Thunder, Avizandum could summon lightning, a trait that is gradually appearing and growing within his son, Zym. It took dark magic and dishonorable tactics for Harrow and Viren to eventually take down the Archdragon, a testament to his overall might and power.
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