NFTs come in all shapes and sizes. New colors, ideas, accessories and concepts jump into the
metaverse through the eyes of the creators and artists. Today we are going to chat about a very
unique collection known as The Crazies NFT Collection! We will discuss their designs, story,
and how you can support them. But first, who are they?
“Many moons ago on an abandoned island lived a group of animals called The Crazies. They
worked together to survive on that island, until one day a group of explorers discovered them,
giving them a better life. Then The Crazies lived amongst humans, bringing smiles and joy to
everyone’s faces. Their colorful spirits and ears that made people laugh made them popular with
the humans!
The group of explorers discovered that The Crazies were more than meets the eye. Some were
rare, making them stand out from the group. They soon discovered that one in every five rare
Crazies had a flower on them. This magical flower was from the abandoned island they grew up
on, symbolizing where they came from and has known healing powers.. Alongside the Rare
ones there were also Super Rare Crazies! These monsters glow in rainbow colors, a beauty in
everyone’s eyes! The Crazies now make it their goal to share their smile with those around
them, making them the perfect addition to your family.”

The designs to these NFTs are perfect for any collector looking to add fun and cartoon style
pieces to their gallery. Each NFT has their own unique look, however what is great about them
is the bright and saturated colors that truly make the viewer feel happy and ready to purchase
their next NFT. Each character has five variations that also include rare and super rare NFTs.
This is great for collectors because they are able to choose which NFT they want based on the
color choices, or perhaps purchase all of the five variations. This collection is truly for anyone!

The great part is the prices are made for anyone. Experienced and beginner collectors can
purchase these NFTs. If you like the design why not have your very own join you in the
metaverse. Like their bio says in OpenSea “Weird, Funny and a little Bent” who wouldn’t want to
add these to their collection?
The Crazies NFT Collection are all hand drawn. Collectors will benefit from this because unlike
some NFT collections these are all original pieces of art. None of these characters can be found
anywhere else. If you are interested in learning more about who they are be sure to check out
all of their links. On their website you can learn more about the characters, what you can
expect, and where you can purchase them. Their Twitter is also a place to go if you want to interact with more of their community and stay updated with designs and launches. Finally jump
over to their OpenSea if you are interested in purchasing one for your collection. Support them
today. You will not regret it!
Website: ThecraziesNFT.com
Where to buy: https://opensea.io/BrewskiArtist