Spider-Man’s recently revealed sister, Teresa Parker, is left with serious doubts about her identity during an investigation into the Chameleon.
WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: The Chameleon Conspiracy #1 by Nick Spencer, Ed Brisson, Marcelo Ferreira, Carlos Gomez, Ze Carlos, Ig Guara, Wayne Faucher, Andrew Crossley, Morry Hollowell, Rachel Rosenberg, VC’s Joe Caramagna, on sale now.
Teresa Parker went after the Chameleon for answers about her past, specifically about how much of it is real. But instead of finding confidence in who she is, Teresa was left with the terrifying possibility that she may not even have an identity to begin with. Her meeting with the Chameleon has instilled even more doubts about her past as she tries to build a future for herself going forwards.
Her infiltration into Chameleon’s holding cell brought her face to face with the man who killed her parents: the Finisher. But this was thrown into uncertainty when both men hinted that Teresa’s belief that the Parkers were her parents was not true. To explain this, they looked into the Chameleon’s origins, revealing how he was trained to become the villain he is today at a special school. To her surprise, Teresa recognized the school, and many of the children in attendance were people recognized from her childhood.
From there, the Finisher explained that the school taught children how to become masters of disguise like the Chameleon, trained to be whoever they needed to be. Teresa was shown to be one of the products of the school, which she immediately rejected. The Finisher added to her existential crisis by positing that she could be a child he found and took to this school who was then trained to convincingly take on the role of Teresa Parker.
That was the difficult thing about being a Chameleon. They were programmed to dive into the role they needed to occupy, being completely unaware that they weren’t who they pretended to be. Teresa tried to reject what she was told, but she couldn’t deny that it made sense in a way. Her appearance in Peter’s life and the convenient revelation of her parentage fell into place a bit too neatly.
The Finisher offered her a way to find out for certain. If Teresa brought him the Clairvoyant, a device that could predict the future, then Teresa could also use it to reveal the truth of her past. However, doing so would mean not only helping the man who killed the people she believes to be her parents, but also betraying Peter. With everything about her past now under scrutiny, Teresa struggled to resist the temptation.
Shortly thereafter, Spider-Man handed her the Clairvoyant, trusting her to keep it safe, not knowing what transpired between her, Finisher, and the Chameleon. Teresa held the Clairvoyant, contemplating what life would mean for her if she was actually a Chameleon. She then realized that she would not be able to deal with the reality of her past being nothing more than a lie. The knowledge that she was the very thing that she hates most in the world would destroy her and take away her place in the world.
Teresa then made the choice to form her own future and destroyed the Clairvoyant, forgoing her chance to learn the truth. As far as she was concerned she was Teresa Parker, secret agent and Spider-Man’s sister, and that is who she was determined to stay, regardless of whatever doubts may linger in the back of her mind.
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