
The Best Anime Couples of 2021


Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura are champions at breaking the mold. Hori prefers housework and simple clothing to her flashy, popular school life. Similarly, Miyamura is hiding his own secret life: nine piercings and a series of tattoos. When the two meet, it’s like they’ve finally been seen for who they really are! From the very start the two flirt in an awkwardly adorable way: things start small with Hori’s realization that she doesn’t know Miyamura’s first name, but she can’t bring herself to ask him! When she finally admits the blunder, Miyamura is so good-natured that he just laughs and writes his full name out for Hori to save forever. How cute is that?!

Horimiya plays out over the course of a little more than a school year, and in that time, the two grow closer in what might be mundane ways if they didn’t play out so cutely. The two end up being very protective over each other, even against other students. Miyamura defends Hori against the Student Council when they accuse her of losing vital paperwork, and Hori protects Miyamura from the advances of Remi, a Student Council member who is already dating the Student Council President. All of that happens in just the first three episodes, and it only gets sweeter from there! The slowburn realization of this anime couple is extremely satisfying to watch, helping them earn their rightful place on this list!


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