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The Batman’s Zoë Kravitz Reveals Her Most Difficult Co-Stars


Catwoman actor Zoë Kravitz pulls back the curtain as she reveals which of her co-stars on The Batman were the most difficult to work with.

Zoë Kravitz may be only one of a number of big names starring in The Batman, but the Catwoman actor’s most difficult co-stars actually turned out to be her fellow felines.

Kravitz revealed that it was, in fact, the cats that gave her and the film crew the most trouble while shooting scenes for The Batman. “The funniest thing would be us getting ready to shoot and we’d have these cat wranglers come in who had these toys to make the cats stay on their marks,” Kravitz said during an interview with BuzzFeed, “and it would kinda work, but not really. So, it ended up that we were always waiting for the cats — like we’d be ready to go, but then the cat would decide to move.”

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Despite having spent time with the cats before filming, Kravitz emphasized the lack of cooperation from her feline co-stars, saying, “The funny thing about working with cats is that they don’t care — which is why we love them,” the actor said. “Like, I spent time with all the cats before we shot with them, but they don’t remember me. Like, they don’t give a shit.”

Kravitz wasn’t the only one on set the cats were giving trouble to, however, as the actor went on to describe how The Batman stunt coordinator Rob Alonzo and the rest of the crew tried controlling the animals. “People would have to hide behind the cabinets or in the corners,” Kravitz said, “so me and [Alonzo] would be doing a scene and there are these cat ladies tucked away and pretending not to be there. It was pretty funny because, at the end of the day, you cannot tell a cat what to do. Like, after all the car flips and fights and chases, one of the hardest things to do on set was getting the cats to stay put.”

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In addition to spending time with her feline co-stars, Kravitz also studied footage of felines in nature while preparing for Catwoman’s stealthy movements and crafty techniques. “We watched cats and lions and how they fight,” Kravitz said during an interview earlier this month, “and talked about what is actually possible when you’re my size, and Batman’s so much stronger than me. What is my skill? It’s being fast and tricky. So we did some really interesting floor work that incorporated different kinds of martial arts and capoeira and a kind of feline, dance-like movement.”

The latest trailer for The Batman recently dropped, showcasing more of Batman and Catwoman and what seems to be a burgeoning partnership between the two characters. The trailer even includes a callback to Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman from Batman Returns.

To see more of the Bat and the Cat in action, catch The Batman when it hits theaters March 4, 2022.

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Source: BuzzFeed

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