Considering she’s the Hive goddess of deception, Savathûn doesn’t seem all that great at keeping secrets. (Or does she? Etc and so on.) Today, Bungie gave Destiny 2 players their first real look at The Witch Queen expansion in the form of an hour-long reveal stream, which is embedded above. Or at least, the first look assuming you’d managed to avoid the juicy Pastebin, Notepad and Australian PlayStation store leaks, which at this point appear to have been confirmed as almost entirely accurate. Either way, the stream contained a ton of info about what’s coming to Destiny 2 in The Witch Queen on 2 February 2022. Let’s hit the biggest headlines:
1. The new Destination will be Savathûn’s throne world
It turns out those verdant images Bungie had teased where not of Earth’s Old Chicago after all. Instead, The Witch Queen will see the guardian’s venture into Savathûn’s swampy throne world. She rules this “uncharted wonderland of secrets and lies” from a vast castle, and there’s also a crashed Pyramid ship to contend with (which my guess is will be involved with the raid somehow). Throne Worlds are Pocket Universes created by the Hive—her brother, Oryx, and his son, Crota, also had one—where the rules of reality are determined by the owner. These places effectively function as insurance policies against death, so our goal is presumably to stick it to the Queen once and for all. Which isn’t going to be easy because…
2. Oh shit, the Hive have the Light now
This is a problem. Savathûn has somehow tricked The Traveller—that’s Destiny’s big flying benevolent golf ball of a god—into bestowing its supernatural gifts on her. The result being that she, and her Hive followers, are able to wield the Light. In the footage we saw Hive ‘Guardians’ casting super abilities from multiple subclasses. (Did I even see one wielding Stasis?) Being empowered with the Light also means the Hive will be able to come back from the dead, as evidenced by the fact they now have bony ghosts to resurrect them. The implication from a clip of one of these being crushed is that we’ll have to destroy their ghosts to kill them completely. What’s particularly cool is that the basic good/evil binary offered by Destiny’s Light vs the Darkness schtick was always a bit boring, so adding some complexity to who’s able to wield what, and who might ultimately be on the side of right, is intriguing.
3. We’re getting glaives