
The 5 Best Animal Anime


Set in an imaginative world filled with intelligent anthropomorphic animals, Beastars centers around Legoshi, a wolf attending Cherryton Academy. There is an inherent distrust between the carnivores and the herbivores, and this is exacerbated after the killing of Tem, an alpaca. One night while Legoshi is on school grounds, he has a fateful encounter with the small white rabbit Haru, who is unpopular among her peers. Legoshi ends up falling for Haru, but their relationship seems ill-fated considering Legoshi’s predatory instincts and the rising tension caused by the recent death of Tem.

Psychological, dark, and unique, Beastars is a gem for the right audience. The worldbuilding dives deep, attempting to give us an accurate portrayal of what life might be like for anthropomorphic animals who are still subjected to animal instincts. The plot unfolds bit by bit, keeping fans on the edge of their seats as they learn about the true nature of the murder of Tem and the issues pervading this animal civilization.

Featuring prejudice and even violence between the carnivores and the herbivores and the inherent troubles of the two groups coexisting, the themes of this anime can be interpreted in a multitude of fashions. Beastars is certainly an anime that encourages you to think about what goes into making a healthy society when the groups living in it are so different from each other. Given the plot, it is slightly dark and depicts things such as underground societies and black markets for illegal products, so this anime might not be the best for light-hearted viewing, but if you are looking for an animal anime that is dark, well-written, and mature, we highly recommend Beastars.

Oddtaxi-Wallpaper-700x392 The 5 Best Animal Anime


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