Supervillains are, by definition, the worst, and the DC Universe has some of the worst supervillains. They exist only to rob, murder, torment, or conquer, and without the superheroes, these baddest of the bad would have destroyed the world – and the universe – time and time again. But even a villain has a heart, no matter how buried under hate, resentment, and vileness it may be, and sometimes that heart shines bright.
There are times, when left with no other choice, that supervillains have stepped up and helped the heroes, or became heroes themselves. Sometimes it was a change of heart that started off a long period of heroism, but most of the time, these villains acted heroically just to save their own butts and, by doing so, helped save others in the process.
10 The Injustice League Saved The World From The Crime Syndicate
DC’s Forever Evil event saw the heroes of the DC Universe fall before the might of the Crime Syndicate from Earth 3, thanks in part to the help of the Secret Society of Super-Villains. With the heroes defeated, it seems like Earth Prime will forever be ruled by the Crime Syndicate, but bowing down to interlopers from another reality doesn’t sit well with every villain.
The Injustice League, consisting of Lex Luthor, Sinestro, Bizarro, Black Adam, Catwoman, Captain Cold, Black Manta, and Deathstroke, work together to dismantle the Crime Syndicate’s power and free Earth Prime from the grasp of the villains from Earth 3.
9 Darkseid Helped Defeat The Anti-Monitor
Crisis on Infinite Earths saw the DC Multiverse turned into a single universe as the Anti-Monitor destroyed each reality. Things got so bad that the villains of the remaining Earths teamed up with the heroes to try and put an end to the Anti-Monitor’s plans, but when they proved to be too weak to pull it off alone, the greatest evil in the DC Universe stepped up to lend a hand.
In the final battle against the Anti-Monitor, when it appears that all of reality will be erased, Darkseid used Alexander Luthor as his surrogate, sending his power through the boy genius of Earth-Three, completely destroying the Anti-Monitor’s physical form, leaving the multiverse killer to face his final fate at the hands of Superman.
8 Lex Luthor Protected Metropolis In Superman’s Name
As the New 52 Era of DC Comics came to a close, the Superman of that period found himself dying of Kryptonite poisoning. After years of being his rival, Lex Luthor finally realized that Superman had given up everything to protect the world, and that realization led to Luthor deciding to honor the legacy of his greatest foe.
For a brief period, Luthor wore a suit of armor with Superman’s symbol emblazoned across his chest and protected Metropolis from any threats, but when the Superman of Earth-Prime revealed himself to the world, Luthor quickly went back to his old ways.
7 Pied Piper Feeds The Homeless
One of the earliest Flash villains of the Silver Age, Pied Piper never quite fit in with the other Rogues, but he was a danger to the Fastest Man Alive. While it wasn’t shown in the comics, at some point after the Crisis and the death of Flash, Pied Piper reassessed his life and decided to leave villainy behind and chose to begin using his abilities to help the homeless of Central and Keystone City. Piper quickly became close friends with Wally West, the third Flash, and helped Wally see how much more he could be doing to help the world.
6 Deathstroke Killed His Own Son To Save Mankind
Deathstroke didn’t get the nickname “The Terminator” by accident. One of the most skilled assassins to ever live, Slade Wilson is a threat to every person in the DC Universe, which he has proven time and time again.
Tragically, Deathstroke was forced to use his murderous skills against his own kin when his son Jericho was possessed by the demon Azarath. Azarath, hoping to find a portal to Earth, was driving Jericho mad, making the young Teen Titan lose control of his powers and in order to save everyone, Deathstroke impaled his own child.
5 Poison Ivy Protected The Children Of No Man’s Land
After a series of horrific events hit Gotham City, the United States government decide that the worst place to live in the DC Universe wasn’t worth saving and separated Gotham from the rest of the country, turning it into a No Man’s Land. The city was quickly separated into different territories being run by various Batman rogues, with Poison Ivy taking control of Robinson Park.
For much of No Man’s Land, everyone is too afraid to enter Robinson Park, but in time it is revealed that Ivy has turned the park into a safe haven for Gotham’s orphans. She even helps Batman by offering her services to grow produce for the struggling city.
4 Darkseid Helped Stop The Anti-Life Equation
If there’s one thing every comics reader knows about Darkseid, it’s how much he wants to get his grey fingers on the Anti-Life Equation, which makes his actions in DC’s classic Cosmic Odyssey all the more shocking. When Darkseid learns that four aspects of the Anti-Life Equation are on four planets, threatening to destroy all of reality, the Lord of Apokolips teams up with Superman, the Green Lantern Corps, and the New Gods of New Genesis to deal with it. Without Darkseid’s help, the Milky Way would have collapsed, destroying all life in it. Of course, Darkseid didn’t walk away empty-handed; at the end of the adventure, he finally possessed a fragment of the Anti-Life Equation.
3 Riddler Helped Batman Solve A Murder
After suffering a head injury that left him with amnesia, Riddler forgot much of his life, including his villainous ways. Reformed and looking to use his intellect to help others, Riddler became a private detective and was soon hired by Bruce Wayne. Gotham’s favorite son was being framed for murder, and he trusted in the former criminal to prove his innocence. When Riddler was able to show that Bruce wasn’t the killer, the green-suited detective gained the respect of Batman. Sadly, Riddler soon reverted to his old habits and Batman lost his new ally.
2 The Rogues Fought A Gorilla Army To Protect Their City
Almost from the start, the Rogues – a group of Flash foes who often work together – followed simple rules to make sure that they were never seen as a big threat, which included “no killing”. They understood that as long as they stuck to robbing banks and jewelry stores, Flash and the other heroes would never come down on them too hard.
The Rogues also knew that to have banks to rob, they would need to keep their city safe from outside threats, including Gorilla Grodd when he showed up with an army from Gorilla City to invade Central City. With Flash out of the picture, the Rogues stepped up and did what they could to protect their town.
1 The Villains Team Up With The Heroes To Stop The Darkest Knight
What started as a major battle against Perpetua in Dark Nights: Death Metal became a fight against the Darkest Knight to save all of existence. In the battle, the heroes were not going to be enough to handle the armies of monsters coming from the Dark Multiverse, and it was in this moment that the greatest villains stepped up to help save the day. After all, if the Darkest Knight succeeded in destroying everything, there would be no banks to rob or worlds to conquer. There, in that moment, heroes and villains stood together to save all that was, all that had ever been, and all that would be.
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