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The 10 Bravest Heroes In Marvel Comics, Ranked


Marvel’s heroes have proven themselves to be some of the best around. These respected heroes have faced down some of the greatest threats to all existence and responded unflinchingly, every action showing just how brave they are. Bravery is an important part of every hero’s make-up; it takes someone very special to risk their lives for others, and superheroes find themselves in situations that would freeze anyone’s blood.

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While all heroes are brave, some are braver than others. They’ve faced down things that others can only imagine and came out the other side, proving they’re the bravest of the brave.

10 Iron Man Was Brave Enough To Get Sober

Invincible Iron Man 600 Cover

Iron Man can be a shady person but there’s no doubting that he’s a great hero. He’s faced down some of the most daunting challenges that any hero has and came on top of them, but he did one thing that cements his bravery. He stopped drinking. It can’t be downplayed how hard this was or how brave he had to be to accomplish it.

Iron Man was willing to remake his entire life and give up the one thing that “helped” him get through it all. He made the bravest choice ever to get sober, braver than any villain fight, and has stayed that way. The amount of bravery that it takes is amazing.

9 Jean Grey Has Been Facing Down The Worst The Entire Universe Can Throw At Her Since She Was A Teenager

Jean Grey in her Hellfire Gala Outfit

Jean Grey is one of the most important X-Men; she’s been Xavier’s student the longest and the things she’s gone through over the years set her apart from her fellow X-Men. It’s often seemed like the entire universe was against her but that never stopped her. Even death can’t keep Jean Grey down and she’ll throw herself at any foe to save her friends and her people.

Jean Grey’s bravery in the face of the entire universe trying to beat her down makes her such a great hero. Few have had to deal with what she has over the years, yet she’s always the consummate hero and patron saint of the X-Men.

8 Hawkeye Faces Down The Greatest Threats Ever With Just A Bow & Arrow

Hawkeye Shooting An Arrow

Hawkeye as an Avenger is extremely improbable. He’s just a human with a bow and arrow on a team of armored geniuses, gods, super soldiers, and amazingly powerful beings, a team that finds itself facing down the greatest threats. He doesn’t let any of that stop him, putting himself on the front lines of every battle he’s in.

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Hawkeye has reached a level that is almost beyond brave. The fact that he still gets up and goes out there, fighting the good fight against odds that should easily overwhelm him says everything one needs to know about his bravery.

7 Storm Has Overcome Tremendous Odds To Get Where She Is

X-Men Storm SWORD

Storm may be one of the most powerful mutants on Earth but that doesn’t change her sheer bravery. An orphan growing up as a thief on the streets of Cairo, she survived as well as she could until her powers manifested and she escaped that life, becoming a goddess to the people of the African plains.

From there, she joined the X-Men and persevered against all the odds, becoming one of the greatest X-Men of all time. She’s dangerous and fearless with or without her powers and the odds against her don’t matter; Storm will always win. She is, after all, a goddess.

6 Silver Surfer Has Faced Down The Greatest Threats In The Cosmos

Norinn Radd Silver Surfer Herald Galactus

Silver Surfer is one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe, but that makes him no less brave. While the Power Cosmic grants him abilities that make him seem unbeatable, the type of foes he tests himself against are some of the greatest ever. He’s battled Galactus, Mephisto, and Thanos, never balking or doubting himself once.

The beings who Silver Surfer fights are the most powerful and deadly beings ever. That doesn’t affect him in the slightest. He fights for life and what’s right no matter what. There hasn’t been a cosmic god invented that he won’t throw himself at.

5 Black Panther Is A Dauntless Fighter

Black Panther was raised to be a man of amazing wherewithal. His birthright was that of the throne of Wakanda and he has never failed to impress. There are few things out there that actually daunt the one called T’Challa and his foes have long learned that facing off against him is a fool’s errand; he knows no fear.

Black Panther hasn’t met a foe he won’t fight. He’s never been put in a situation where his bravery wasn’t enough. Even facing down gods doesn’t affect him; he is Black Panther. That’s all that matters.

4 Spider-Man Has Been Proving How Brave He Is Since He Was A Teenager

Non-Stop Spider-Man feature

Spider-Man has been through a lot of changes over the years but one thing that hasn’t changed is his bravery. Spider-Man has been a superhero since he was fifteen. In all of those years, his friends and foes have learned a few things about him, the main thing being that he’s one of the bravest heroes ever. His sense of responsibility spurs him on to an almost unhealthy extent.

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This is a hero who faced down Phoenix-powered Colossus and Magik so his fellow Avengers could get away, two people he’d have a problem fighting even without them having the Phoenix Force. That’s how brave he is; he’ll face down godlike beings on his own just to save his friends.

3 Captain America Has Been Proving His Bravery For Years Now

Avengers Captain America Thor She-Hulk feature

Captain America is one of Marvel’s most inspiring heroes and one big reason for that is his bravery. Captain America has been fighting evil since the darkest days of WWII, throwing himself at the Nazis and Hydra as if they were nothing more than minor hindrances in his way. After his unthawing in the modern-day, he threw himself into the battle against evil as if nothing had ever changed.

Cap’s bravery is one of his greatest attributes. Even with his super-soldier serum he’s not exactly impressive compared to some of the foes he’s faced down but that has never stopped him before. Few out there are as brave as Cap.

2 Wolverine Has Never Met A War He Won’t Fight

Wolverine #18 cover by Greg Land

Wolverine is one of the most dangerous heroes on the planet and one of the things that really sets him apart is his bravery. Wolverine’s ability to survive nearly anything thanks to his healing factor and adamantium skeleton afford him the chance to be amazingly brave; when one knows they can survive anything, they’ll throw themselves into any fight. That’s Wolverine’s MO.

It doesn’t matter the fight or the odds, Wolverine is going to be in it. He’s stabbed Thanos in the heart when he had the Infinity Gauntlet, picks fights with Hulk, and has faced down some of the greatest dangers without flinching. Few can match his bravery.

1 Daredevil Is The Man Without Fear

Daredevil swinging through the city in Devil's Reign #1.

Daredevil’s known as the Man Without Fear and the fact that’s capitalized says it all. Daredevil’s entire life has been about meeting a new limit and getting over it, proving that nothing could stop him. He’s been in some hellacious fights over the years and never backed down. Daredevil has proven he deserves his moniker time after time.

This is a man who will throw himself into the middle of a horde of undead ninja with no qualms. His arch-enemy is a crime boss who sends an assassin after him who can kill with a thrown piece of paper if it comes down to it. Daredevil has proven that there is nothing he is scared of. He’s bravery personified.

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