Manga creator Kenichi Tachibana confirmed on his Twitter account on Wednesday that his and Yū Sasuga‘s Terraformars manga will resume once Sasuga has recovered from his health issues. The manga has been on an indefinite hiatus since December 2019, with the announcement at the time also citing Sasuga’s health issues.
Tachibana launched a new sci-fi manga titled Gigantis in Shueisha‘s Grand Jump magazine on Wednesday.
Sasuga and Tachibana launched the Terraformars manga in 2011. Shueisha shipped the manga’s 22nd volume in November 2019 with a bundled anime DVD. Viz Media is releasing the manga in North America, and shipped the manga’s 22nd volume in Decmeber 2019, and the 21st volume on August 2019 with an anime DVD adapting the manga’s Earth arc.
The first 13-episode television anime series adapting the Annex 1 arc of the manga premiered in September 2014, while the Terraformars Revenge sequel television anime premiered in April 2016. Crunchyroll streamed both series as they aired in Japan. The manga also inspired a two-episode OVA series that adapted the manga’s Bugs 2 arc in 2014. The episodes shipped with the manga’s 10th and 11th volumes.
The manga inspired a live-action film that opened in Japan in April 2016.
Source: Kenichi Tachibana‘s Twitter account