Anime based on game aired from 2008-2009
The official Twitter account of Bandai Namco Entertainment‘s Tales of series revealed on Tuesday that the franchise‘s official YouTube channel will stream episodes of the Tales of the Abyss anime to commemorate the channel’s first anniversary. The anime’s first episode is already streaming on the channel in Japanese with English subtitles, and the second episode will begin streaming on Saturday. The channel will stream episodes weekly.
The 26-episode anime adaptation of the Tales of the Abyss game aired from 2008-2009. Funimation is streaming the anime, and it has also released the series on home video. Bandai Entertainment originally released the series on DVD.
Bandai first released the game for PlayStation 2 in 2005, and later ported the game to Nintendo 3DS. The game has also inspired multiple manga adaptations.
Tales of Luminaria the Fateful Crossroad, Kamikaze Douga‘s anime adaptation of the Tales of Luminaria smartphone game will debut on streaming services in Japan on January 21. Funimation and other services will begin streaming the anime on January 20 PST.
Tales of Luminaria launched in Japan on November 3 and outside of Japan on November 4.
The Tales of Arise role-playing game recently launched for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam on September 10 in the West and on September 9 in Japan.
Source: Tales of series’ Twitter account via Siliconera
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