This year’s 24th issue of Futabasha‘s Manga Action magazine announced on Tuesday that Takashi Murakami‘s Pino manga will have a “special epilogue” chapter in the magazine this coming spring. The manga’s one compiled book volume will also ship in spring.
The near-future sci-fi manga’s story centers on Hana, a woman who works in a pharmaceutical company, and her regular correspondences with the titular Pino, a robot equipped with an AI. Pino is tasked as a caretaker of the animals the company regularly uses for medical trials. But one day, Pino undergoes an unexpected change.
Murakami launched the manga in Manga Action in June 2020, and ended the manga on July 20.
NBM Publishing released Murakami’s one-volume Stargazing Dog manga in 2011. JManga also hosted the manga on its website. The American Library Association’s Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) division listed the manga on its list of the top 10 graphic novels for teens in 2013.
Murakami’s Namakemono ga Miteta manga inspired an original video anime in 1988. Murakami also provided the original character designs for the Harimogu Harley television anime that premiered in 1996.
Source: Manga Action issue 24