The official website for Studio hb‘s original anime project Tabi Hani began streaming a teaser promotional video for the anime on Sunday. The teaser reveals and previews the anime’s theme song “stay young” by PICKLES, and the anime’s 2022 debut date. The video also revealed more staff members for the anime’s “Kyoto Chapter.”
Kenichi Kimura is penning the anime’s “Kyoto Chapter” script. Kazuma Ōgasawara is the line director. Kenichi Tajiri and Hiroto Murata are the art directors at Mukuo Studio. Naoto Kondō is the color key artist. Sayumi Yamada is the director of photography at Explosion. Ayako Tan is credited for editing at Graphinica. Yūki Sekine is composing the music, with Hirotaka Hayakawa credited as music producer, and Rebrast credited as music producer. Kōhei Takatori is the sound director, with Masafumi Watanabe credited for sound effects at evance. Noriyoshi Konuma is the mixing assistant.
Miyu Tomita ill plays Akari Yashima (right in image above), a quiet high schooler who has inherited a love of travel from her older sister, who took care of her in place of often absent parents. Kaori Maeda plays Nagi Kitayama (left in image above), Akari’s cheerful classmate who willingly jumps into any activity, and becomes interested in Akari due to her mysterious air.
Studio hb announced the project on May 16. The anime’s story centers on Akari and Nagi, who travel throughout Japan. Former Kyoto Animation animator Kazuya Sakamoto (Child of Kamiari Month) is directing the anime. Hajime Mitsuda (Kiratto Pri☆Chan, Akiba’s Trip: The Animation) is designing the characters.
Sources: Tabi Hani’s website