On Monday, Atlus‘ Twitter account linked a video introducing the Shin Megami Tensei V demon Inugami, which is based on the Japanese folklore figure of the same name. In response, the Sumida Aquarium made a cheeky reply: “This might be a rather forced comparison, but do you ever get told that Inugami looks like a spotted garden eel…? This is what our breeder who loves spotted garden eels says… (He’s also apparently a big SMT fan.)”
— すみだ水族館【公式】 (@Sumida_Aquarium) November 1, 2021
Atlus then posted a side-by-side comparison picture between Inugami and a spotted garden eel, and admitted that there was indeed a resemblance.
たしかに似ていますね… https://t.co/EL1XMIqC0B pic.twitter.com/Gzm00Lr7DB
— アトラス公式アカウント (@Atlus_jp) November 1, 2021
Not one to miss a promotional opportunity, Sumida Aquarium jumped on board to mention that the aquarium will have an event for the spotted garden eel on November 11, the game’s launch date in Japan. It also mentioned some fun trivia about the Japanese name for the spotted garden eel: The “chin” in “Chin Anago” comes from the dog breed known as the Japanese Chin.
Sumida Aquarium has previously drawn on the links between Japanese folklore, pop culture, and aquatic life with its Shigeru Mizuki collaboration event in 2017.
Shin Megami Tensei V will launch worldwide for the Nintendo Switch on November 12.