Comics Reviews

Suicide Squad Will Reveal the Reason for Amanda Waller’s Secret Mission


Suicide Squad writer Robbie Thompson says the mystery behind Amanda Waller’s Justice League and her quest to conquer Earth-3 is about to be revealed.

Amanda Waller has an ambitious plan to use the Suicide Squad to defeat the Crime Syndicate and nothing will stand in her way.

In an interview with CBR, Suicide Squad writer Robbie Thompson shed some light on Amanda Waller’s current mission to capture Earth-3, in addition to letting readers know when they will find out her true motives. The author said, “Waller is definitely overreaching. From her standpoint, she feels like she has a really solid foundation, that even a miss won’t hurt her. But as we start to see with Red X, and then the events of Suicide Squad Annual #1, these failures are going to cause her to make even bigger and bolder choices.”

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Recent issues of Suicide Squad have seen Amanda Waller dispatch Task Force X across the landscape of DC’s Infinite Frontier to build up the ranks of her own version of the Justice League. They’ll need all the help they can get, as an unexpected fight against the Crime Syndicate showed that they are out of their league. While her motives have been kept secret thus far, Thompson explained that the details behind Waller’s mission will become clear in the near future, saying, “Why she is hellbent on doing this is a mystery that we will be unpacking over the second arc of our story and it’s part of a much larger story in the DCU!”

Waller’s mad grab for power has added new faces to Task Force X. In addition to Superboy and Red X being featured in the title for the first time, Ambush Bug has joined the team. These shocking inclusions have shaken the foundation of the squad and have led some members to set their sights on taking Waller down. After being imprisoned by Waller in the series’ first issue, Rick Flag’s own team-up against the Suicide Squad left the newbies reeling.

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Suicide Squad #7 featured what may be Waller’s boldest move to date, as she brought Task Force X to the Rock of Eternity to try and claim the power of Shazam. Even though the hero has struggled with his magical abilities since the start of Infinite Frontier, Waller’s mission seems foolhardy. After being forced out of the government and left with limited resources, Waller has become increasingly desperate. As Thompson himself put it, “Waller always thinks ten moves ahead, but at a certain point, when the endgame is in sight, there’s only so many more moves you can make, so she’s going to be out of options soon.”

Suicide Squad #7 and Suicide Squad Annual #1 are currently available on comic stands. Suicide Squad Annual #1 takes place prior to Suicide Squad #7 and should be read first.

KEEP READING: Suicide Squad’s Amanda Waller Reveals Her Most Powerful Secret Team

Source: CBR

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