The official website for the television anime of Saisou‘s Story of a Small Senior in My Company (Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Sempai no Hanashi) manga unveiled a teaser trailer and visual for the anime on Friday. The trailer reveals the anime’s two main cast members, staff, and July premiere.
The cast members include:
Hina Tachibana as Shiori Katase
Yūki Shin as Takuma Shinozaki
Mitsutoshi Satō (Sakura no Chikai, Saikyō Kamizmode!) is directing the anime at project No.9. Keiichirō Ōchi, Yasuko Aoki, and Satoru Sugizawa are penning the scripts. Hayato Hashiguchi and Hiromi Ogata (The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting) are drawing the character designs. Sumika Horiguchi is composing the music.
The office romantic comedy centers around the new employee Takuma Shinzaki and Shiori Katase — his short, big-breasted, charming superior at work who cares about her subordinates.
Saisou launched the manga on Takeshobo‘s Storia Dash web manga service in April 2020. Takeshobo published the manga’s fifth compiled book volume in October 2022, and will publish the sixth volume on April 17,
Update: Typo fixed. Thanks, harushiga.
Sources: Story of a Small Senior in My Company anime’s website, Comic Natalie