While Stargirl and the JSA took care of the Injustice Society at the end of Season 1, a villainous return sets up a new iteration of the team.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Stargirl Season 2, Episode 1, “Summer School: Part One,” which aired Tuesday on the CW.
With the new season of Stargirl kicking off, Courtney’s (Brec Bassinger) biggest enemy, Cindy (Meg Delacy), is back, despite some members of the Justice Society of America assuming she died in the rubble of the Injustice Society’s lair. This is far from the truth, as she returns to the school to collect a file on the Injustice Society’s children. She then enters the former lair and goes through their files. While Henry (Jake Austin Walker), Brainwave’s (Christopher James Baker) son, is dead, the other kids are set to follow in their parents’ footsteps, with one potential recruit being unlike the others.
Shiv – Cindy Burman
Cindy is Dragon King’s (Nelson Lee) daughter, and it appears he’s done a number of experiments on her to make her a living weapon. While she was never invited to sit at the Injustice Society table during Season 1, she is now taking over the role of leader in Season 2. Most of the past members are either dead or imprisoned, including her father, who she stabbed in the back. Since she couldn’t be part of the team before, she is now making her own team, and instead of taking her father’s role, she is her own villain known as Shiv.
Icicle – Cameron Mahkent
Cameron (Rick Tyler) was established as Courtney’s love interest in Season 1; although, they’ve yet to go on their date or become anything official. While his father, Icicle (Neil Jackson), was the leader of the Injustice Society, Cameron is unaware of this and doesn’t appear to display any of his father’s powers at the time of this writing. However, his other family member know exactly who Icicle was, and they seem to share his goals and values. With Cindy putting Cameron on her list and his family having animosity toward Courtney, it’s possible they may influence him enough to join the Injustice Society, especially if he learns Courtney and her family are behind his father’s death.
Sportsmaster and Tigress – Artemis Crock
Sportsmaster (Neil Hopkins) and Tigress (Joy Osmanski) were active in their daughter’s school life, killing off her coaches if they did not give Artemis (Stella Smith) the position they believe she deserved. Artemis also seems to exhibit the same over confident behavior as them. She even takes pride in the fact that her parents’ arrest makes the underclassmen fear her more; although, she’s adamant this was a frame job. Courtney’s already suspicious of Artemis, attacking her in the cafeteria because she assumed Artemis would make the first move. This was a misunderstanding, and Artemis is not happy about it. Given her competitive nature, her relationship with her parents and this distaste for Courtney, it likely won’t be hard for Cindy to convince her to join the Injustice Society.
The Fiddler – Isaac Bowin
The Fiddler (Hina X. Khan) is a unique member of the Injustice Society, as she was not an original member. Instead, she took over her husband’s role on the team. She also wasn’t present during the final battle with the JSA because Tigress and Sportsmaster killed her. However, before her death, she planted the seeds necessary to turn her son, Isaac (Max Frantz), into the next Fiddler. After being bullied at school, The Fiddler recommends Isaac use violence to stop his abuser, which he does, hitting him in the head with his tuba. With Cindy hoping to recruit him, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Isaac pick up his family’s fiddle and embrace his inner anger.
Mystery Role – Mike Dugan
While the aforementioned kids are relatives of Injustice Society members, Mike (Traw Romano) is the wild card. He is Pat’s (Luke Wilson) son, and Pat is the furthest thing from being a villain. He’s been Starman’s sidekick, and now he’s become a mentor for Courtney and the other members of the JSA. However, this has led him to neglect Mike, who felt throughout Season 1 that Pat favored his new step-daughter over him. While he’s finally been included in the superhero loop, Pat still won’t let Mike take on more responsibilities, denying his request to learn about S.T.R.I.P.E.
With Pat hesitant to include his son in the superhero business, it’s possible that someone else — like an Injustice Society member — could finally bring him into the fold in the worst possible. Finally being included and acknowledged may be enough to manipulate Mike, despite his love for his family. As Stargirl — which has new episodes airing Tuesdays at 8/7c on the CW — continues, Cindy’s plan for these kids will properly unfold.
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