War of the Bounty Hunters: Jaba the Hutt #1 proved that Boba Fett and Han Solo were not the only people who struggled while working for Jabba.
WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Jabba the Hutt #1, on sale now from Marvel Comics.
Jabba the Hutt has hired and employed some extremely infamous faces from the Star Wars universe. While his position within the Hutt Council has solidified his power in the galaxy, his relationships with the likes of Boba Fett and Han Solo brought him into the spotlight. Jabba would eventually let these partnerships sour, but it turns out that the notorious gangster has made a habit of turning on his partners at the slightest inconvenience, as depicted in the one-shot Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Jabba the Hutt by Justina Ireland, Ibraim Roberson, Luca Pizzari, Edgar Delgado, Giada Marchisio, and VC’s Ariana Maher.
Before Boba Fett became Jabba’s favorite bounty hunter, there was Deva Lompop. After years of dedicated work for Jabba, Deva retired from the bounty hunter game in favor of a career as an information broker. This meant nothing to Jabba as Deva owed him a blood debt which he was not willing to let her pay off easily. Instead, he called her in to eliminate Jarm Brock, an enforcer working for his rival Bokku the Hutt. He then directed Deva to bring along one of his newest hunters, Boba Fett.
The pair managed to draw out the target and Boba was able to apprehend him. Deva incapacitated Boba with a poisoned knife so she could speak with Jarm alone. The ruthless hunter then learned that Crimson Dawn had returned and was behind the attack on Jabba’s territory. After learning this information, Deva devoured Jarm and delivered his head to Jabba. Jabba was displeased that Deva had returned with an injured Fett and only the head of his target. He explained that due to these factors, Deva would not be released from her debt.
Later, after Fett had claimed Han Solo’s carbonite slab, he had to stop at Nar Shaddaa to try and repair the failing carbonite unit. Fett had not checked in with Jabba which was making the Hutt increasingly nervous. He instructed Bib Fortuna to call in Deva once again with the promise of paying off her debt if she could find Fett and ensure delivery of Solo. Deva had other plans in mind though; she found Solo’s slab while Fett was fighting in an arena and informed Crimson Dawn of its location, instead of Jabba. She felt vengeful as this was now the fifth time that Jabba had brought her into a job with the promise of removing her debt. She knows that he will never release her and ironically was able to return Jabba’s betrayal in the end.
As powerful as Jabba the Hutt appears to be, he can never seem to make an alliance last. Han Solo was believed to be one of Jabba’s favorite smugglers before he had to jettison a shipment for the Hutt. This angered Jabba and is the reason that he is so demanding of credits from Solo at the beginning of A New Hope. Jabba gave Solo more time than others though. Since he liked Han, he gave him time to gather the funds to pay back his debt. When Jabba learned that Solo was wasting time working with the Rebels, he grew furious and put out a bounty on his former favorite smuggler.
Being Jabba’s favorite bounty hunter does not prevent the relationship from dwindling, however. While Boba quickly worked his way through the ranks and became Jabba’s favorite after Deva Lompop’s departure, he was still little more than an employee to the Hutt. When Deva stole Solo for Crimson Dawn, Jabba did not give Fett a chance to explain himself. He assumed that the bounty hunter had sold the prize to Crimson Dawn for a higher price and immediately put out a bounty on Fett.
If there’s one thing that War of the Bounty Hunters has demonstrated, it’s that Jabba the Hutt is the absolute worst individual to choose as a business partner. Jabba is an extremely powerful entity in the Star Wars universe and effectively holds power over almost everyone besides the Empire. His bounty hunters and smugglers are all replaceable. That is why he is willing to put out extremely high-priced bounties on his employees when they make the most minuscule of mistakes. Jabba the Hutt has made the case that he is arguably worse to betray than nearly anyone else in the galaxy.
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