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Star Wars: The 10 Strongest Duos, Ranked


Spanning across three distinct time periods of more than half a century, the cinematic Star Wars franchise—recently termed “the Skywalker Saga”—has seen its fair share of wars, arcs, and characters. Yet, like any narrative epic, it takes two to bring the greatest moments and scenes of this world-renowned space opera to life.

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But Star Wars‘ many iconic duos—some of which are synonymous with the franchise—do not all epitomize this galactic saga in the same way. Some come together in moments that forever change the fate of the galaxy. Others demonstrate their unyielding strength by standing with their partners through thick and thin. But regardless of how they came together, the strength of their bonds is a testament to the transformative power of this galaxy far, far away.

10 Finn And Jannah Fight On Top Of A Star Destroyer

Finn and Jannah Riding Orbaks on Kef Bir

While the Skywalker Saga’s final entry to the series—The Rise of Skywalker—presented a rather messy conclusion to the sequel trilogy, the film showed seeds of promise in overlooked characters like Naomi Ackie’s Jannah, a First Order stormtrooper deserter formerly identified as TZ-1719.

When Finn encounters Jannah on Kef Bir, the oceanic moon of Endor, they immediately hit it off due to their shared past as stormtroopers. However, their newfound friendship is quickly put to the test with the unveiling of the Final Order on Exegol, resulting in them mounting a ridiculous—but cinematically epic—ground assault atop Enric Pryde’s Star Destroyer.

9 Rey And Finn Confront Kylo Ren On Starkiller Base

Rey and Finn Posing on Milennium Falcon

One of the most exciting moments of 2015’s The Force Awakens comes when the aspiring heroes—Rey and Finn—are forced to confront the visceral Kylo Ren on Starkiller Base, a military base encompassing the ice planet Ilum, in the minutes following the brutal murder of his father, Han Solo.

Without much training, Finn bravely ignites Anakin’s lightsaber as he faces down the more-skilled dark side protégée, who proceeds to make quick work of FN-2817. Fortunately, Rey comes to her friend’s rescue, force grabbing the lightsaber that belonged to the grandfather of Kylo Ren out of his hands in one of perhaps the most satisfying scenes of the movie.

8 Jyn And Cassian Steal The Death Star Plans

Jyn and Cassian Sharing Final Moments on Scarif

What was originally a throwaway line in A New Hope became the premise of an entire feature-length film. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story follows the story of former criminal-turned-hero Jyn Erso who was instrumental in receiving the Death Star plans that exploited its critical weakness and lead to its ultimate destruction in the original film.

Through a series of coincidences, Jyn finds herself accompanied by one Cassian Andor on a mission to Jedha. The events that follow eventually lead the pair to the tropical planet of Scarif, where they manage to penetrate a planetary shield, evade AT-ATs, and outwit Director Krennic to successfully transmit the Death Star’s planets, albeit at the cost of their own lives.

7 Han And Leia Mount An Escape From Hoth

Han and Leia Bickering on Hoth

While the paradigmatic Empire Strikes Back may be best remembered for a certain scene, it also gave birth to one of Star Wars‘ most recognizable pair of lovers—Han Solo and Princess Leia. With the Empire hot on the Rebellion’s heels following their devastating defeat on Hoth, Han, Leia, and Chewbacca mount a desperate escape attempt aboard the Millennium Falcon.

Unfortunately, the starship’s hyperdrive being damaged, and the Rebels are left stranded as they try to avoid TIE Fighters, asteroids, and monsters in a prolonged space chase, ending with their capture on Bespin. The many near-death experiences result in Leia’s confession of love for Han, resulting in Harrison Ford’s unprompted, but memorable “I know.”

6 Qui-Gon And Obi-Wan Stop The Siege Of Naboo

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan on Trade Federation Starship

First in the contentious prequel trilogy, The Phantom Menace introduced the world to Liam Neeson’s amazing Qui-Gon Jinn, who along with his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, is primarily responsible for lifting the Trade Federation’s blockade over the luscious planet of Naboo and aiding Queen Padmé Amidala in her hour of need.

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The Jedi Master and Padawan are near inseparable throughout the course of the film, braving the aquatic depths of Naboo, the dangerous halls of Theed, and the desert sands of Tatooine together. It’s especially painful, then, when after a lengthy duel, the ruthless Darth Maul kills Obi-Wan’s master in front of him.

5 Rey And Kylo Ren Kill Supreme Leader Snoke

Rey and Kylo Ren Fighting Elite Praetorian Guard

Set in the most controversial film in the Skywalker Saga, fans witness a strange unification between Rey and Kylo Ren after the latter unexpectedly executes Supreme Leader Snoke in The Last Jedi. The ensuing clash with Snoke’s Elite Praetorian Guard that consequently follows then makes for one of the best combat sequences in the sequel trilogy.

Unfortunately, this unity is short-lived, as Kylo Ren reveals his intentions to take his former master’s place as leader of the First Order. The sequel, however, eventually sees the pair come together again (with Ben dropping his Kylo Ren moniker) to bring down Emperor Palpatine and his Final Order.

4 Han And Chewbacca Are Infamous Smugglers

Han and Chewbacca on Millennium Falcon

While Han and Leia make for a great couple, Han and Chewbacca are undoubtedly the more iconic duo. The lovable Wookiee warrior has resolutely stood by his dearest friend’s side since they first met on the swamp planet of Mimban in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and is seen as the smuggler’s steadfast ally throughout the events of the original trilogy.

It’s understandable then that the poor Wookiee takes Han’s death the hardest when he is mercilessly killed by his own son in The Force Awakens, prompting the enraged Chewbacca to shoot Kylo Ren with his bowcaster. Whether as wanted smugglers or heroes of the Rebellion, these two were always there for each other through thick and thin.

3 Obi-Wan And Anakin Fought In The Clone Wars

Anakin and Obi-Wan Fight on Mustafar

There are perhaps no Jedi generals from the Clone Wars who are more famous than Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. After “rescuing” his master on Geonosis during Attack of the Clones, the Grand Army of the Republic arrives to lay siege to the desert planet, and a chase ensues between the two Jedi and the insidious Count Dooku.

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While not featured in the movies, the two would go on to have many adventures leading up to the events of Revenge of the Sith. Yet, despite their long history together, perhaps what makes this duo stand out is the inevitable tragedy that befalls them—forcing them to fight each other as Anakin embraces his Sith identity as the famous Darth Vader.

2 Darth Vader And Emperor Palpatine Rule The Galaxy

Palpatine Saving Darth Vader After His Defeat

While many of Star Wars‘ duos are heroes, there are two sinister villains that stand above the rest: Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. Together, the two Sith successfully toppled the Jedi Order and transformed the Republic into the Empire. In essence, they actually succeeded in what Darth Sidious had originally set out to do: rule the galaxy.

And rule they did for nearly twenty years. Even in the waning days of the Empire, the pair were near unstoppable—not even Luke Skywalker could stand up to the might of the Emperor in Return of the Jedi. It takes Darth Vader’s sudden betrayal of his long-time master to truly bring the Empire to its knees, costing the former Jedi his life in the process.

1 R2-D2 And C3PO Survive The Entire Skywalker Saga

C3PO and R2-D2 on Geonosis

The only thing that can top a duo who rules the galaxy is a duo who has seen it all—R2-D2 and C3PO. Ther are the only characters to appear in all nine films of the Skywalker Saga, and are some of the first characters introduced in A New Hope, even preceding mainstays like Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi, and Han Solo.

The pair’s relationship can best be captured by their dichotomous personality, with R2-D2 being the sassy problem-solver and C3PO being the pragmatic Negative Nancy. Although subjected to glorified cameos in the sequel trilogy, the two droids garner plenty of spotlight in both the original and prequel trilogies, often playing roles integral to the plot.

NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Best Droids In The Franchise, Ranked

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