Star Wars Reunited Under the Lucasfilm Games Banner with ‘Star Wars: Eclipse’
With a heart-pounding drumbeat, Lucasfilm Games and Quantic Dream, the award-winning video game studio and publisher, unveiled Star Wars Eclipse with a world premiere cinematic reveal trailer at The Game Awards 2021. As the first video game to be set in the era of The High Republic, the multimedia initiative that launched with publishing earlier this year, Star Wars Eclipse will feature an original story and unique new characters, each with their own paths, abilities, and roles to play in the tapestry of events that could alter the carefully balanced peace in an uncharted section of the Outer Rim.
Watch the game trailer from StarWars.com:
Star Wars Eclipse is described as “an intricately branching action-adventure game that can be experienced in multiple ways, putting the destinies of an array of playable characters in your hands. Your choices will be at the heart of the experience, as every decision can have a dramatic impact on the course of the story. Through these decisions, players will forge their own legend in the golden age of the Jedi.”
Star Wars was reunited under the Lucasfilm Games banner at the beginning of the year, with the brand confirming it’s “looking to work with best-in-class teams that can make great games”. Based on the developer’s previous works, this will likely be in the style of their choose-your-own-adventure style game. While not necessarily indicative of gameplay, if the cinematic is anything to go by, Quantic Dream have ambitious plans and a lot of intrigue, aliens planned for players.
Star Wars Eclipse is currently in the early stages of development at Quantic Dream’s studios in Paris, France and Montreal, Canada.