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Star Wars: 8 Worst Things The Hutt Clan Has Done


The Hutts have been a scourge in the Star Wars universe for ages, and it seems like they are just getting nastier as time goes on.

The criminal underworld is a big aspect of the Star Wars galaxy. There are multiple crime syndicates and families who control various territories and they are constantly at war with each other. One of the most powerful and recognizable crime families in Star Wars are the Hutts.

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This is because of one Hutt in particular; Jabba the Hutt. He first appeared in Return of the Jedi in 1982, and since then the Hutts have become a staple of the galaxy. Like most crime families, they are not good people and they have done some truly awful things while they have kept an iron grip on the criminal empires.

8 Sold And Used Slaves


Slavery is a practice that many governments in Star Wars have tried to abolish over the years, but crime and corruption continue to keep it alive. The Hutt clan are a large part of that problem, with them both selling and using slaves. The most iconic representation of this is in Return of the Jedi when Jabba kept Leia as his slave, chaining her up and keeping her close to him. He even had a dancer as a slave before Leia, who he feed to the rancor when she displeased him. This mistreatment of life and the practice of slavery are the tip of the iceberg for the Hutt clan.

7 Betrayal Within Their Own Clan

Not only do the Hutts corrupt and ruin the galaxy at large, they also fight within their own ranks and backstab each other on a whim. Ziro the Hutt kidnapped Jabba’s son to try to gain power, and Bokku tried to align with Darth Vader in order to backstab Jabba. They act like they are a crime family, but each member is just waiting for the others to be killed or removed from power so that they can gain renown and respect in the galaxy. They are deadly and disloyal creatures.

6 They Are Behind Multiple Assassinations

Black Krrsantan, a Wookie bounty hunter that Obi-Wan fights

The Hutt clan has both killed and attempted to kill numerous people throughout the galaxy. They hunted down Han Solo, tried to kill Ben Kenobi, and sent bounty hunters after Luke Skywalker. They take what they want and eliminate those who try to stop them. The members of the Hutt clan rarely carry out the hits themselves; they have an intergalactic network of killers who are more than happy to take out any target. On top of that, the Hutts have massive amounts of wealth and can afford to send as many hunters as it takes to get the job done.

5 They Force People To Fight For Sport

Star Wars Showdown on Smugglers Moon Grakkus The Hutt Gamemaster

Grakkus the Hutt ran fighting pits on Nar Shaddaa and forced people to fight in vicious battles for his entertainment. He brought out creatures for people to fight, as well as other competitors, all for the enjoyment of others.

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Grakkus even captured Luke Skywalker and hoped to place him in the pits as a fighter. This is a more aggressive form of slavery for the Hutts. It forces people to kill others and gamble with their lives. While some people, like Black Krrsantan, fight in the pits because they want to, for many it’s not a choice.

4 Sold Drugs To The Galaxy

Book of Boba Fett Hutt twins

The main drug that permeates the streets of Star Wars is called spice, and the Hutts are a main supplier. Spice is harvested all over the galaxy and multiple crime syndicates fight over it because of the wealth it can bring them. Tatooine is one planet that spice can be harvested from and Jabba was definitely involved in its trade. Spice is talked about a lot in Star Wars and it’s one of the main criminal practices that take place in the galaxy. It can ruin people’s lives, but the Hutts have no problem with that.

3 Continual Animal Abuse

The rancor scene from Return of the Jedi is an iconic scene and has terrified fans for decades. Rancors were always thought of as giant slobbering beasts with no conscience or remorse. The beastmaster who cried over his dying rancor was even mocked by Star Wars fans. The Book of Boba Fett has changed opinions on all of that. It shows that rancors are emotional and intelligent creatures, which means that one that lived under Jabba was essentially tortured through neglect and mistreatment. The Hutts continue this pattern all over the galaxy, and even creatures in pits to fight for sport.

2 War Profiteering

The Hutts will do anything to make money and turn a situation in their favor. During both the Clone Wars and the Age of Rebellion, the Hutts made as much money off the wars as they could. They would sell access to their hyperspace lanes in exchange for wealth and favors. They would double-cross their partners for a better deal, they would take advantage of the disenfranchised, and they would do everything they could to sow more chaos. Chaos is what they thrived on, without stable governments they could operate unhindered.

1 Torturing Droids

Jabbas 8D8 tortures a GNK droid

The treatment of droids is a tricky situation in Star Wars. It is highly debated whether droids are sentient or simply programmed servants. R2-D2 is definitely more than just a servant, he is a companion, but other droids don’t display the same tendencies. Jabba is shown to be cruel to his droids, disposing of them, junking them for parts or because they displeased him, and even burning their feet. C3-PO was terrified when he saw the conditions of droids at Jabba’s palace. Whether sentient or not, they are deeply abused at the hands of the Hutts. 

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