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Star Wars: 7 Times Padme Proved She Loved Anakin


The relationship and marriage between Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala makes up a key component of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As an important part of Anakin’s eventual downfall and transformation into Darth Vader, much of what the audience gets to see is the negative effects of things, with Anakin’s jealousy and his torn loyalties between Padme and the Jedi.

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Nonetheless, their relationship takes up a large amount of screentime, not all of it devoted to misunderstandings and pain. On occasion, the two get time, separately or together, to show how much the other means to them, with Padme, in particular, getting numerous scenes to show her love for Anakin.

7 Lying To Obi-Wan About Anakin’s Location

Padme lies and tells Obi-Wan she doesn't know where Anakin is in Revenge of the Sith

In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin and Padme’s marriage is inevitably caught up in the machinations of Darth Sidious when Anakin’s fears about her pregnancy are exploited to make him more susceptible to the Dark Side.

After Anakin becomes Darth Vader and slaughters the Jedi, he tells Padme he is going to Mustafar to end the war. When Obi-Wan appears, Padme helps him until he tells her that he needs to know where Anakin is, at which point she lies and denies knowing his location, to keep her husband safe despite everything. Obi-Wan has to stow away aboard her ship to find him.

6 Marrying Anakin Despite The Risk

Anakin and Padme marry in secret on Naboo at the end of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones

When Padme and Anakin fall in love during Attack of the Clones, they are both mindful of the risks. As Anakin is a Jedi, a relationship between them could see him removed from the Order, which could also interfere with Padme’s career as a senator. As a result, Padme spends much of the film reminding him that they can’t admit their feelings.

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The two do whilst being transported to their seeming execution on Geonosis, however, with Padme believing they’re almost certainly dead, and thus have no need to protect themselves. When they survive, Padme decides that she can’t hide her love for Anakin, and the two marry despite the risks.

5 Forgiving Anakin After The Clovis Situation

Anakin Skywalker attacks Rush Clovis for trying to kiss Padme Star Wars The Clone Wars

When the traitor, and Padme’s former lover, Rush Clovis returns in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, his history with Padme and the closeness with which the two work together sees Anakin’s jealousy and anger at an all-time high. Unable to trust either Clovis or Padme, he acts aggressively, at one point nearly killing Clovis in a fight.

Anakin and Padme’s relationship is shown to be severely impacted by these events, with their trust fractured. Later stories, including Revenge of the Sith, however, show them ultimately being loving and affectionate again, especially with Padme’s pregnancy. Despite Anakin’s actions, Padme is willing to keep trying.

4 Contacting Ziro The Hutt To Help Anakin

Padme speaks to Ziro the Hutt in Star Wars: Clone Wars Movie

In the Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie, Padme gets her own subplot, divorced from the main action of the film. When Padme learns of Anakin’s mission to recover Rotta the Hutt, she fears for his safety, and so tries to help any way she can.

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This leads her to Ziro the Hutt, Rotta’s uncle, and a well-known criminal. To try and protect her husband, Padme is willing to put herself in peril by talking to a powerful criminal, despite the urging of others around her, and ultimately end up captured and imprisoned.

3 Forcing Anakin To Save Obi-Wan On Geonosis

Anakin and Padme travel through Geonosis together Star Wars: Attack of the Clones

After struggling with the more abstract nature of his loyalties to the Jedi versus his feelings for Padme in Attack of the Clones, the choice is made very real for Anakin when he has to choose between his orders to remain on Tatooine with Padme or travel to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan from likely execution at the hands of the Separatists.

Padme clearly respects Obi-Wan and wishes to save him as well. But it is Anakin’s turmoil that drives Padme to take the third option. Seeing the depths of his love for Obi-Wan, but his refusal to leave her, Padme begins flying them to Geonosis, resolving that if Anakin wishes to protect Padme, he’ll need to stay with her on her rescue mission.

2 Telling Obi-Wan That There Is Still Good in Anakin

Padme tells Obi-Wan there is still good in Anakin as she dies Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

The extent of Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side is seen when Padme confronts her husband on Mustafar. As soon as Obi-Wan makes an appearance, Anakin’s jealous and insecure mind seizes upon the conclusion that Padme and Obi-Wan are working together to kill him, and possibly even together.

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As a result, Anakin uses the Force to choke Padme, his wife. The film doesn’t flinch away from how horrific that act is, especially as it begins the downward spiral of Padme’s death. Nonetheless, as she dies, Padme tells Obi-Wan that there is still good in Anakin. Even something as heinous as that couldn’t fully break her love for Anakin.

1 Traveling To Mustafar To Confront Anakin

Padme confronts Anakin on Mustafar before he chokes her Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

Padme is forced to watch the attack on the Jedi Temple during Order 66 in Revenge of the Sith, before being told by Obi-Wan that Anakin orchestrated it, and personally led the slaughter of the children of the Order. Not believing this, she sets out on her own to Mustafar to speak to her husband and find out the truth herself.

All Padme knows of Anakin’s location is that he went there to end the war. As a result, she is likely expecting to be flying into a warzone but does so anyway despite being heavily pregnant, because her love for him won’t let her believe her husband’s fall, even from the word of a close friend.

NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Weird Anakin Moments From The Prequels That Make No Sense

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