With the first season of the popular SPY x FAMILY anime wrapping up, the cast appeared at AnimeJapan 2023 with some exciting news about the future of the series. But it wouldn’t be a SPY x FAMILY stage show if that announcement wasn’t done through the now staple routine of the cast drawing what they expect the announcement to be.

The show began with some small talk about the first season and some behind-the-scenes memories among the cast of the series: Takuya Eguchi (Loid Forger), Atsumi Tanezaki (Anya Forger), Saori Hayami (Yor Forger), and Kenichirō Matsuda (Bond Forger). Most remarked at how it had been some time since all four had been together at a stage event. In fact, it was so long that Tanezaki remarked Eguchi must have grown taller, despite being a full-grown adult.
Despite his protests, Eguchi admitted that because he spends much of the time with his back arched, he tries to straighten up his posture for events like AnimeJapan—although he hasn’t checked his height in some time. Tanezaki quickly responded that if Eguchi had grown taller, then Loid’s official height would also have to change to match since they both share the same height.
The banter behind them, the cast moved onto the announcements for the upcoming season in October and the new movie. However, Eguchi remarked how it wouldn’t be a SPY x FAMILY stage show unless the cast did some artwork. This time, it was what they thought the preview visual for the movie would be. The cast commented how they were given little information, let alone time. The reveals were interesting to say the least.
Beginning with Matsuda, his prediction was an evil looking Anya, a bloody Loid, a crying Yor, and Bond front and center. The cast was surprised at the quality of this art as he had re-drawn it a few times, with only a few minutes before the stage show started. With the seating arrangement, the next person in line would have been Hayami, but Eguchi quipped at how her visuals are like a dangerous weapon and so he went to Tanezaki first.

Her prediction for the preview visual was the family being snowed on while covered in a poncho and wearing dark sunglasses. The theme was keeping things hidden before the true reveal.
Then it came down to Hayami and Eguchi. After some deliberation, it was decided that Hayami’s weapon would be unleashed first, and it certainly was a memorable sight. The cast needed some time to parse what was happening. What they gathered was that the family was riding Bond in space—a true masterpiece. Or so one would think until the reveal of Eguchi’s prediction.

The real masterpiece of all the predictions featured a flying Yor, Bond in a sumo wrestling pose, Loid holding an “L” (which Eguchi claimed was a gun), and a misshapen Anya making a snowman. Although Eguchi’s drawing appeared to be a hodgepodge of disparate ideas, the cast begrudgingly admitted Eguchi’s prediction was thematically the closest to the official teaser visual. Although the official teaser had no Yor flying, it does feature Loid holding an “L”-shaped gun.

But, as they say, time flies when you’re having fun. Looking at the cast masterful drawings made the time fly by in an instant. Here’s hoping the production staff turn Eguchi or Tanezaki’s drawings into an official poster later.