
‘Spring-Pan’ CG Anime Short Streams With English Subtitles for Limited Time – News


CGCG Studio released short in 2017, crowdfunded 10-minute version last year

Animation studio CGCG Studio has released the five-minute “Spring-Pan Let’s Go!” (“Sprin-Pan Mae e Susumō!”) CG anime short on YouTube on Friday. The short is available with English subtitles, but will only be available until January 4.

The original five-minute short screened in Japanese theaters alongside the Survive! Inside the Human Body and Ganbareiwa!! Robocon double feature in July 2020.

The studio then launched a crowdfunding campaign for the short on Sony‘s First Flight crowdfunding page in December 2020, which met its goal in one day. The crowdfunding campaign sought to produce a 10-minute version of the short.

The anime’s adventure story centers on a 12-year-old girl who admires Peter Pan. The 3DCG anime used motion capture technology to capture ballet and Irish dance movements. Jet Inoue (episode director, storyboard for Gintama’) provided the original concept, and he directed the anime and wrote the scripts.

CGCG Studio HD presented the film at the MIFA (Marche international du film d’animation) animation market in 2017.

Sources: ANIBOOM’s YouTube channel, Comic Natalie


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