The final fighter has been revealed, and the saga of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s all-star roster has come to an end, but Smash’s tale is far from over. Join us as we explore the unlikely Nintendo fighting game franchise’s humble beginnings, its most magical moments, and the games it inspired. Yes, that includes the Nickelodeon one.
Is there anything more exciting than a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter reveal? I hope there is, as we just witnessed the very last one of those we’re going to get. While the Smash Bros. development team is hopefully taking a well-deserved vacation, the Kotaku Splitscreen team is far too hyped up to let the topic drop. And so we made an entire episode out of talking about brothers and the smashing thereof.
After a brief struggle with covid-19 I have returned, joining by stalwart co-hosts Ethan and Lisa Marie in a conversation about the smash hit that is Smash Bros. This week we’ve tapped in resident fighting game scholar Ian Walker to help us plumb the depths of over two decades of Nintendo characters hitting each other. We start with the history of the series, which started in 1999 when I was 26 and everyone else on this week’s episode were babies. Then we explore this week’s big reveal of yet another sword character. Finally, we wrap things up with some talk of the games that Smash made, including Brawlhalla, Rivals of Aether, and of course, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl.
Remember that new episodes come out every Friday, so like and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher to get them as soon as they go live. You can leave a review, too, or drop us a line at splitscreen@kotaku.com if you have questions or want to suggest a topic. Or if you want to deliver your hot takes in real time you can reach us on Twitter: I’m @unclefahey, Lisa Marie is @lisamarie_lynn, Ethan is @ethangach, and Ian is @iantothemax. Until next week!