
We’ve got another Special Weapon reveal for Splatoon 3 today, which is coming when Fresh Season 2023 kicks off on 1st March — the Super Chump.
Unlike yesterday’s new Special Weapon, the Kraken Royale, the Super Chump is a brand new weapon and takes a little bit of inspiration from a few other Splatoon series weapons, most notably the Tenta Missiles. This missile launcher launches some cute little decoys that stick to the ground and explode after a certain amount of time — or happen to be attacked by opponents.
We know that 12 new weapon kits will be added when Fresh Season 2023 kicks off at the start of next month, with the Kraken Royale pairing up with the .96 Gal Deco and the Krak-On Splat Roller.
The official Japanese Twitter account has also shared two main weapons coming in the upcoming update — the Crash Blaster Neo and N-ZAP ’89 — both returning from previous games.