The official website for the new television anime of Yoshinobu Akita‘s Sorcerous Stabber Orphen (Majutsushi Orphen Haguretabi) light novel series announced on Monday that the Majutsushi Orphen Haguretabi: Seiiki-hen (Sanctuary Arc) series will premiere on April 12. The website also revealed the theme song artists and a new promotional video for the anime’s Sanctuary Arc and Chaos in Urbanrama.
Showtaro Morikubo, who voices Orphen and has performed previous opening themes for the show, is performing the new opening theme song “Motive Rain.” The staff of the anime revealed a clip of the new ending theme song “Shūen no Destiny” (Destiny of the End) by Mai Fuchigami.
Fuchigami also performed previous ending themes for the anime.
The new cast members for the Sanctuary Arc include:
Majutsushi Orphen Haguretabi: Urban Rama-hen (Chaos in Urbanrama), the third season, premiered on the AT-X channel on January 18, and it is also running on Tokyo MX, WOWOW, and BS Fuji, as well as on various streaming services in Japan. Crunchyroll is streaming the season as it airs in Japan.
The first season premiered in January 2020, and ended with 13 episodes. Funimation streamed the anime in Japanese with English subtitles as it aired in Japan, and also streamed an English dub. The second season premiered in January 2021. Funimation again streamed the series as it aired and also streamed an English dub.
J-Novel Club licensed the novels and is releasing them digitally. The company describes the beginning of the story:
Orphen is a Sorcerer drop-out from the prestigious Tower of Fangs. His journey to save Azalie, a girl he looked up to like a sister, has brought him to the bustling city of Totokanta. Here they are reunited for the first time in five years. But what is the truth behind her monstrous transformation, and just what secrets lurk behind the Sword of Baldanders…?
Akita began the light novel series in 1994 with illustrations by Yūya Kusaka. The new anime is commemorating the series’ 25th anniversary. Akita debuted a new volume in the series in December 2019, the first new volume in the light novel series in four years. A new volume shipped in January 2021.
Sources: Sorcerous Stabber Orphen anime’s website, MoCa News