Anime originally premiered in July 2011
Sony Pictures Television began streaming the first episode of Madhouse‘s anime adaptation of Marvel Comics‘ Blade franchise on its Throwback Toons YouTube channel on Friday.
Sony describes the story:
Legendary half-vampire, half-human vampire hunter Blade is tracking Deacon Frost, a very powerful and influential vampire who killed his mother and who heads Existence, a secretive vampire organization that operates in Southeast Asia.
Marvel Anime: Blade premiered in July 2011, and it ran for 12 episodes.
The Japanese Studio Madhouse produced all four Marvel Anime series.
The Throwback Toons YouTube channel began streaming the Marvel Anime: Iron Man series on July 31, Marvel Anime: Wolverine series on August 21, and the Marvel Anime: X-Men series on August 29.
Source: Sony‘s Throwback Toons YouTube channel