Comics News

SNL Legend: Comedian Norm Macdonald Has Died


SNL Legend: Comedian Norm Macdonald Has Died


After a long fight with cancer, legendary SNL cast member and comedian Norm Macdonald has passed away. The former presenter of Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update, passed away at the age of 61 after a long and secret battle with cancer. Norm battled cancer for nearly a decade while keeping his illness hidden from the public and fans.





Norm is widely regarded as one of the best comedians of all time, globally adored, and regarded as a true “comedians’ comedian.” MacDonald eschewed traditional jokes in favor of what he and others dubbed “anti-jokes.” Where the comedy wasn’t so much about what was said as it was about how it made the audience feel.





And here is Norm’s final standup on the Letterman Show.



And in one of his final performances, Norm even crushed the coronavirus.




Classic, all the way. Our condolences to Norm’s family, friends, and fans. May he rest in peace.


Chris Braly

I’m a collector, a speculator, and one opinionated, based geek. My friends call me Braly, but those who know me within the hobby generally refer to me as Bralinator. I can be heard monthly on the Comic Book Page Previews Spotlight podcast with several other comic book nerds. Follow me on Twitter @ChrisBraly


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