In a new “Quality of Life” video released today, Nintendo revealed that some of the most notoriously annoying design choices found in the original version of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword are being fixed in the Switch’s upcoming Skyward Sword HD.
Originally released in 2011 on the Wii, Skyward Sword has a reputation among fans for often wasting time and annoying players with tutorial messages hours and hours into the game.
For example, after finding any item for the first time, the game would explain what that item was. This is useful, but only once. However, every time you booted up the game or reloaded a save it would show these tutorial messages again, even after you had picked up that item a dozen or more times before. It was frustrating! Thankfully, this annoying design choice has been changed in Skyward Sword HD. After you find an item, you won’t be told what it is ever again. Perfect!
This is just one of many changes to help improve the game and fix things that players have complained about for the past decade. Other important quality-of-life improvements include the ability to skip cutscenes, fast-forward through dialogue, and reduce how often the legendarily annoying spirit Fi pops up to “help” you.
That last one is a big deal, as many players have shared their frustrations about how much Fi, your magical sword, yells at you about things. Some considered Fi even more annoying than the famously talky Navi from Ocarina of Time. (Being compared to Navi is a good indicator that people don’t like you very much.) Now, instead of yelling at you about a chest or a puzzle, Fi will glow blue and you can decide to listen or just ignore the glorified dragonfly.
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Read More: Modding Breakthrough Allows Skyward Sword To Be Recreated In Breath Of The Wild
Another nice improvement shown off in the trailer was the enhanced framerate, making the game look smoother and more responsive. You also will be able to use motion controls, like in the Wii original, or new controls that use the standard buttons and analog sticks. This is a super important change, and not just because you no longer have to use finicky waggle controls: It helps with accessibility, allowing people to play Skyward Sword even if they can’t physically use motion controls.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is out for Switch on July 16. Alongside these new quality-of-life changes, the game will support new Amiibo figures, including one that will unlock the ability to use fast travel. Tying this huge QoL upgrade to a $25 piece of plastic sounds like a new very annoying design choice which, hopefully, next decade’s ultra 8K port will see about fixing.