Skottie Young announces he is relaunching I Hate Fairyland, with the creator-owned comic staying at Image Comics while he plans new Substack content.
EDIT: Skottie Young has informed CBR that I Hate Fairyland will remain at Image Comics, with more information coming in a future post. The article has been updated to reflect any errors.
Prolific writer/artist Skottie Young announced his creator-owned title I Hate Fairyland is being relaunched.
“You all have no idea how excited I am to throw myself back into that world with those characters!” Young said in the recent edition of his Stupid Fresh Mess newsletter. “I’ll get into more details in future posts, but for now, just know that Gert, Larry and the rest of the gang will be returning via your inbox and comic shops near you in the coming year!!! And the best part, you all will watch it all come to life right here!”
Young reassured retailers that I Hate Fairyland will not be abandoning comic shops. “Never fear! I’ve been making comics BOOKS for twenty years and that ain’t gonna stop now!” he declared. “You better believe my comics will GO TO PRINT and are going to be all up in your stores!”
The I Hate Fairyland creator is the latest talent to join Substack. James Tynion IV announced he is leaving DC, where he has written Batman and The Joker, to make original comics on the Substack platform. “Which is a lot of preamble to say that I am going to be leaving Batman with Issue #117 in November, and The Joker with Issue #14 next April, with no immediate plans to write any other superhero comics in the near future,” he said.
“Instead, I’m going to dedicate my whole brain to building a bunch of really cool stuff on my own terms, without having to get permission from any publisher to make it,” Tynion added.
Premium subscribers to Skottie Young’s Stupid Fresh Mess will get all-new comics, digital collections of his daily sketches, commentary on his archived comic work, including I Hate Fairyland, Bully Wars, Middlewest and The Me You Love in the Dark.
Young also noted that he will remain at Marvel, where he writes Strange Academy and provides variant covers. He has an unannounced secret project also in the works.
Source: Stupid Fresh Mess
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