The weekend has arrived, and the Omicron variant still hasn’t left yet! Fortunately, our plans for this weekend mostly just involve staying inside and reading for Weekend Reading 88!
As always, we hope that you’ll share your reading plans with us! Let us know what you’re planning on paging through this weekend in the comment section.
AVERY KAPLAN: This weekend, I’m going to be checking out Tidesong by Wendy Xu. I’ve been eagerly waiting to get my hands on this graphic novel since I got the chance to speak with Xu about it when I interviewed her for Acrossing the Miles in the summer of 2020, and I am so excited I’m finally getting to read it!
TAIMUR DAR: WIth so much great media out right now, it can be a hard balancing act to get to everything on your list. Case in point, I didn’t get to read all of the books on my comics pulllist on Wednesday when I picked them up. So I’m going to rectify that. I’m particularly looking forward to reading Danny DeVito’s Penguin story in the DC’s Gotham City Villains Anniversary Giant 100–page anthology. Back when I got back into comics, Dan Slott’s She-Hulk run was instrumental in rekindling my love for comics after meeting him at a convention way back in 2006. So I’m eager to see the hilarious superhero law comedy once again with Shulkie guest starring in the latest Fantastic Four #38.
BILLY HENEHAN: Why has it taken me so long to jump into Nick Spencer’s tenure as writer on Amazing Spider-Man? I honestly don’t know. I loved his Captain America (Captains America?), and thought Secret Empire was criminally underrated. I was a regular reader during the Dan Slott and Stuart Immonen Spidey run that directly preceded Spencer’s. But for whatever reason, I didn’t jump onto his relaunch of Amazing Spider-Man, and jumped off instead. Hear that, Marvel? Maybe constantly renumbering and relaunching your series isn’t a great idea.