Comics News

SHUT IN THEATER: Weekend Reading 85


It’s the weekend already, and that must mean it’s time for Weekend Reading 85! It does seem like it creeps up on you more some weeks than others, doesn’t it? At any rate, we’re sure it will be no surprise to any of our readers that we’re planning on spending the next two days inside Stately Beat Manor, paging through a stack of books!

Every weekend, we hope that you’ll share your reading plans with us, too – and we really appreciate it when you do! Please let us know what you’re reading, either here in the comment section or over on social media @comicsbeat!

Weekend Reading 85
Weekend Reading 85: Race Matters & The Montague Twins.

AVERY KAPLAN: This weekend, I’ll be reading The Montague Twins Volume 1: The Witch’s Hand by Nathan Page and Drew Shannon. Then, as far as prose goes, I’ll be sinking my teeth into Race Matters by Cornel West – partially as required reading for Matrix 404, the podcast fellow Beat editor Therese Lacson and I are hosting leading up to the release of The Matrix Resurrections, and partially just because I’ve never read it before (at least not in its entirety).

Weekend Reading 85
Weekend Reading 85: X-Men Grand Design.

TAIMUR DAR: A recurring theme for me for the past two years is finally reading works that have been on my list for the longest time, especially now that I have the time. Case in point, I discovered that X-Men: Grand Design by comic creator Ed Piskor is available to read on the libby app so I’ll be enjoying that acclaimed comic.

Weekend Reading 85: 2000 AD Prog 2237.

DEAN SIMONS: I have about a third of Two Dark Reigns by Kendare Blake left to read on the prose front. As for comics: I return to British weekly 2000AD for my periodic catchup binge in anticipation of the big Xmas issue next month. Make Mine Zarjaz!

Weekend Reading 85: Murder Most Actual.

JOHANNA DRAPER CARLSON: I was doing some research on an historical subject that I seemed to remember Kate Beaton writing about, which seemed an excellent excuse to re-read her books, Hark! A Vagrant and Step Aside, Pops! In prose, Alexis Hall (Boyfriend Material) has a new book out, Murder Most Actual. It’s supposed to be a blend of Clue and Agatha Christie, which sounds terrific. Unfortunately, it’s a Kobo exclusive, which makes me knash my teeth about restricting reader access and the proliferating number of book apps I’m trying to keep track of.

Weekend Reading 85: Late 90s Cable!

BILLY HENEHAN: I’m taking a dive into Ladronn’s era of Cable from the late 90s on the Marvel Unlimited app this weekend. The start of his run had James Robinson scripting, followed by Joe Casey after Robinson left. I left the books on the stands back then, but was always fascinated by Ladronn’s Kirby-esque covers every time I spotted one. Time to give into that nearly 25 year itch and finally sate my curiosity regarding that era of Cable


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